2023 年 3 月10日,TouchNetix于公司总部所在地挪威特隆赫姆宣布其aXiom 芯片技术支持下一代汽车用户界面和体验技术的同时,也实现了支持智能表面方案和应用。

TouchNetix特有的 aXiom 用户界面芯片技术可以无缝且经济高效地集成在材料和织物下方。凭借市场领先的信噪比(SNR),就算在传感器和用户区域被空气间隙隔开的情况下,aXiom 也可以让触摸、压力感应、触觉反馈以及 3D(手势)接近和悬停感应等功能变得更容易实现。这项技术适用于各种不同类型的材料如真木、塑料、玻璃和织物等,这些材料之间还能相互结合使用。


汽车主机厂越来越希望通过以更低的成本提供更直观、更安全、更现代化的用户界面来重新定义汽车用户体验。仪表板结构正后方的背光图标可以在通电条件下激活,也可以由用户使用 aXiom 的 3D 手势接近感应技术激活。结合 aXiom 获得专利的触摸和压力感应技术,允许直接在仪表板上以现代化且低成本的方式实施关键触控功能。aXiom 单芯片技术可以直接在仪表板织物上,也可以在触摸屏或平板上,支持曲面形状(触控)、高低形状手指导轨和滑块以及按钮等功能。

TouchNetix 首席执行官 Vegard Wollan 补充道:“用户通过使用 aXiom,可以在多种织物和材料下集成市场领先的触摸、压力感应以及非接触式技术。这使得现代座舱设计能够以比传统机械设计更低的成本提供更直观、更安全的用户体验。”

aXiom 系列用户界面芯片(AX54A、AX80A、AX112A 和 AX198A)目前已投入生产并实现上市销售。TouchNetix还提供适用于所有芯片的演示、评估和开发套件。aXiom 芯片符合 AEC-Q100车规标准,同时,该系列芯片正在通过 ASIL 前期认证。

更多资讯请访问网站  https://www.touchnetix.com/



TouchNetix 是一家基于触控技术提供创新和强化安全性用户体验的全球领导者。aXiom 系列芯片为现代产品开发提供了创新功能。TouchNetix 为全球客户生产芯片和触摸传感器模块,在挪威、英国、德国、美国、韩国、中国地区设有办事处,通过多个代理分销合作伙伴进行销售。

TouchNetix 的 aXiom 系列芯片专为汽车、工业、家电、医疗、消费以及其他市场的触摸和触摸屏用户界面而设计。aXiom 支持表面上方的非接触式、 3D 感应、压力感应以及传统的多点触控功能。

TouchNetix 在电容式触摸技术方面拥有数十年的经验,并且在为全球客户群提供服务方面拥有良好的业绩记录。

TouchNetix 通过了 ISO 9001 质量管理体系认证,并拥有 IATF-16949 认证的供应链。


Kerwin Yen, 颜国义
TouchNetix  大中华区营销业务总监
Email: kerwin.yen@touchnetix.com

Asa Mallon
TouchNetix 全球营销与公关专员
Tel: +47 922 62 148
Email:  asa.mallon@touchnetix.com



Smart Surface User Experiences with aXiom

Trondheim, Norway, 10th March 2023 – Supporting the next generation of automotive user interfaces and experiences, TouchNetix is delighted to announce its aXiom technology now supports smart surfaces.

The unique aXiom user interface chip technology seamlessly and cost efficiently integrates underneath materials and fabrics. With the market leading signal-to-noise ratio, aXiom facilitates features such as touch, force-sensing, haptic feedback, and 3D proximity and hover sensing, even when the sensor and the user area is separated by an air gap. This technology can be implemented through all types of wood, plastic, glass, and fabric, and even in combination with one another.

Car manufacturers are increasingly looking to redefine automotive user experiences by providing intuitive, safer, and more modern user interfaces at lower costs. Backlit icons directly behind the dashboard fabric can be activated upon power-up or by the user utilizing aXiom’s 3D proximity sensing gesture technology. Combined with aXiom patented touch and force-sensing technology, this allows for a modern and low-cost implementation of key functions directly on the dashboard. The aXiom single-chip technology supports curved shapes, finger guides and sliders as well as buttons, either directly on the dashboard fabric, or on a touch display or pad.

Vegard Wollan, CEO of TouchNetix added, “Customers can integrate market leading touch, force-sensing and touchless technology beneath a multitude of fabrics and materials by using aXiom. This enables modern cockpit designs with more intuitive and safer user experiences at a lower cost than the traditional mechanical designs.”

The aXiom family of user interface chips (AX54A, AX80A, AX112A and AX198A) are in production and available now. Demo, evaluation, and development kits for all chips are also available.  aXiom chips are qualified according to AEC-Q100, and the family is being ASIL ready certified.

Company Background Info

TouchNetix is a global leader in creating innovative and safety-enhancing user experiences based on touch technology. The aXiom product family creates new and innovative features for modern product development. TouchNetix manufactures chips and touch sensor modules for a world-wide customer base with offices in Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, USA, Korea, Taiwan and through several distribution partners.

TouchNetix’ aXiom chips are designed for the Automotive, Industrial, Appliance, Medical, Consumer, and other market’s touch and touchscreen user interfaces. aXiom enables touchless and 3D sensing above the surface, as well as force-sensing touch alongside traditional multi-touch capabilities.

TouchNetix has decades of experience with capacitive touch technology and has a proven track record delivering to a global customer base.

TouchNetix is QMS certified to ISO 9001 with an IATF-16949 certified supply chain.


Press Contact:

Asa Mallon

Marketing and Communications Coordinator – TouchNetix

Tel: +47 922 62 148

Email: asa.mallon@touchnetix.com


