Serial number | Topic | Guests to be invited |
1 | 全球电子后视镜和摄像头市场趋势分析 | 标普全球汽车 |
2 | 从整车造型美学设计看电子后视镜的发展 | 比亚迪汽车 |
3 | The current development status and technical bottlenecks of electronic rearview mirrors CMS | 泛亚汽车 |
4 | The Demand and Planning for Electronic External Rearview Mirrors in Self-owned Passenger Vehicles | Dongfeng Motor |
5 | GB15084《机动车辆间接视野装置性能和安装要求》标准解读 | 中国汽车工程研究院 |
6 | GB15084及ECE R46测试易不通过项及整改建议 | SGS 技术专家 谢丹 |
7 | Electronic Rearview Mirror Systems under the New Technology Trends of Commercial Vehicles. | 豫兴电子 |
8 | 虚拟电子后视镜解决方案 | 中科创达 |
9 | ADAS摄像头前沿测试技术探讨 | 研鼎信息技术 |
10 | 电子后视镜的生产落地解决策略 | 寅家科技 |
11 | 3D视觉雷达的应用与展望 | 北京鉴智机器人科技 |
12 | Digital Exterior Mirrors Open Up a New "Vision" for Smart Driving. | 华阳 |
13 | 车载电子后视镜图像畸变研究 | 三目 |
14 | FPGA aids in the implementation of electronic rearview mirror CMS systems | AMD |
15 | 3M光学材料在汽车电子后视镜的应用介绍 | 3M |
16 | CMS视觉感知技术赋能安全智能的驾乘体验 | BOE |
17 | 视觉芯片方案在电子后视镜的应用 | 安霸 |
18 | 电子后视镜CMS产品和自动驾驶融合解决案例介绍 | CMS解决方案商 |
19 | 可支持夜间以及低能见度下行驶的摄像头感知系统 | 夜视系统供应商 |
20 | 流媒体系统及电子后视镜产品解决方案 | 欧菲 |
21 | 电子后视镜摄像头的图像处理算法介绍 | 图像算法专家 |
22 | 智能电致变色防炫目镜片在CMS的应用案例介绍 | 宁波祢若电子科技 |
23 | 智能座舱的“哨兵”——“电子外后视镜” | 经纬恒润 |
The original article was originally published on WeChat public account (automotive new technology information):CMS 电子后视镜R46, GB15084, ISO16505测试要求介绍
With the imminent relaxation of regulations on electronic rearview mirrors, how can mass production details such as anti-glare, anti-fog defrosting, distortion correction, and transmission rate be improved? You are welcome to join the Ebang Automotive Electronic Rearview Mirror CMS discussion group to discuss with industry professionals from Huayang, BOE Precision Electronics, Guangzhou Rongsheng, Zixing Technology, Qingdao Jidong, Hansion, Xinyang Rongle, Yuanfeng Technology, Sunny Optical, OFILM, Q-Tech, Heli-Tech, United Optoelectronics, Tianshi Precision, Xinxin, Jinkang Optoelectronics, Howell, and others.Please forward this article before joining the group.