丹阳谊善车灯设备制造有限公司(鸿利智汇集团旗下子公司)专注车灯领域20余年,拥有强大的技术研发团队,具有与主机厂同步开发、同步设计的能力,产业优势明显。公司产品覆盖整车全车灯系,包括乘用车前组合灯、乘用车后组合灯、乘用车内饰灯等,及LED数字智能车灯等。公司产研体系导入IATF16949、ISO14000、 OHSAS18000、3C等,检测中心已通过CNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会的认可。谊善车灯与国内多家品牌汽车主机厂和全球汽配采购公司配套,致力成为中国汽车零部件和相关服务领域的领先企业。
In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group. At present, Valeo, Huayu Vision, Hella, Magneti Marelli, Mobis, Xingyu Auto Lighting, Damo Verico, Mande, Jinxiang Lighting, Koito, Changcheng Automobile Industry, Dibao, Jiali, Tong Automotive lighting companies such as Ming, Jinye, Centrino, Anrui, and Yedi have all joined the group.
Roundtable: Topic planning 多感知传感器激光雷达,摄像头,毫米波,超声波分别的挑战和机遇? 激光的发展趋势和技术瓶颈,以及低成本方案可行性? 激光雷达技术路径,目前技术的现状和技术发展方向? 结合特斯拉摄像头战略聊一聊激光雷达的发展机遇和挑战? 激光雷达是感知主力还是冗余备胎? |
The original article was originally published on WeChat public account (automotive new technology information):谊善车灯为全球品牌车型打造动态贯穿式LED尾灯,持续探索为车灯智能化赋能