阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析

阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析

Regulations on electronic rearview mirrors are about to be liberalized. How can the mass production details such as anti-glare, anti-fog and defrost, distortion correction, transmission rate, etc. be improved? Welcome to join the Aibang Automotive Electronic Rearview Mirror CMS exchange group with Huayang General Motors, BOE Precision Technology, Guangzhou Rongsheng, Automobile Technology, Yinjia Technology, Qingdao Jidong, Hansitong, Xinyang Rongle, Yuanfeng Technology, Shun Discussions were conducted with industry professionals such as Yuyu, Ofilon, Qiu Tiwei, Holita, United Optoelectronics, Tianshi Seiko, Truly, Ambarella, Xlinx, Howey and other industries.
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
Recommended activity one:The 2nd Automotive Electronic Rearview Mirror CMS New Process Technology Industry Forum (April 18, 2024, Shanghai)
Forum Topics.
时间安排 Topic Speakers
08:45-09:00 welcome speech 艾邦创始人 江耀贵
09:00-09:30 Non-compliance items and rectification suggestions for GB15084 and ECE R46 tests 中国汽车工程研究院 高级工程师 李林峰
09:30-10:00 从0到1,CMS的破局之路 德赛西威 CMS产品负责人 曾安邦
10:00-10:30 茶歇
10:30-11:00 AMD 汽车电子后视镜:挑战与对策 AMD赛灵思 BD Manager 应毅辰
11:00-11:30 CMS光轴偏移视野与AI图像识别技术讨论 佛山三目智能电子 三目研究院院长、教授/博导 郭志友
11:30-12:00 电子外后视镜:重塑乘用车与商用车驾驶体验的新动力 合肥疆程技术有限公司 产品总监 雷琼
12:00-13:30 午餐
13:30-14:00 量产到来-华阳CMS拓展智能座舱新视野 华阳通用 CMS产品线总监 郑国盾
14:00-14:30 车载光学器件PVD薄膜制造技术 广东汇成真空科技股份有限公司 光学组/总监 何晓虎
14:30-15:00 The current development status and technical bottlenecks of electronic rearview mirrors CMS 丽景 副总经理 王晗
15:00-15:30 数智时代的CMS解决方案及技术趋势 远峰科技股份有限公司 CMS产品线总监 王乐荣
15:30-16:00 茶歇
16:00-16:30 CMS系统产品设计&评测的技术挑战与解决之道 北京瞰瞰智能科技 合伙人&汽车电子事业部总经理 陈兴文
16:30-17:00 光学薄膜在汽车行业的应用和CMS镜头主动加热技术 江西凤凰光学科技有限公司 首席镀膜专家 钱锋 博士
17:00-17:30 UN-R46及GB15084 CMS产品合规设计建议 SGS 高级技术经理 谢丹
17:30-18:00 圆桌议题(策划中)…
18:30-20:00 晚宴
Number of attendees.
1~2 people
3 people and above
2800 yuan per person
2700 yuan per person
On-site payment.
3000 yuan per person
2800 yuan per person
The fee includes conference tickets, a full set of conference materials, lunch, coffee breaks, dinner, etc., but does not include accommodation;
The conference hotel can be booked through Aibang. The group negotiated price is 480 yuan/room/night (including two breakfasts). King bed/standard room is optional.
Contact information
Registration method one:
Please add on WeChat for more information and registration details.
Miss Deng: 15817337805 (same as WeChat)
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
For speaking or sponsorship: Vander: 15800874409 (same number for WeChat)
Registration method two:
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
Scan the QR code above to register online

Activity recommendation two:The 2nd Automotive Intelligent Exterior Industry Forum (April 17, Shanghai)

阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
Recommended activities three:The 5th Intelligent Car Lighting Innovation Technology and Supply Chain Forum (May 16, Chongqing)
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析
Recommended activities four:The 6th Automotive Intelligent Interior Ambience Lighting Industry Forum (May 17, Chongqing)
阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析

The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."阿维塔 12 全天候零延迟超清电子外后视镜技术解析

With the imminent relaxation of regulations on electronic rearview mirrors, how can mass production details such as anti-glare, anti-fog defrosting, distortion correction, and transmission rate be improved? You are welcome to join the Ebang Automotive Electronic Rearview Mirror CMS discussion group to discuss with industry professionals from Huayang, BOE Precision Electronics, Guangzhou Rongsheng, Zixing Technology, Qingdao Jidong, Hansion, Xinyang Rongle, Yuanfeng Technology, Sunny Optical, OFILM, Q-Tech, Heli-Tech, United Optoelectronics, Tianshi Precision, Xinxin, Jinkang Optoelectronics, Howell, and others.Please forward this article before joining the group.  