ITWYigong is an American wealth company200One of the top 200 international industrial product manufacturing companies, founded in 19121912Headquartered in Chicago-Illinois.ITWYigong’s business covers 57 countries around the world57Provide high-quality products and services to customers and markets around the world, including developed and emerging markets, in areas including deep-sea oil drilling rigs, aerospace technology, bridges and wind turbines, automotive parts, food equipment, chemical industry, etc. field.ITW依工全球共有员工约45000Most of these employees are experts in some engineering or scientific fieldITW It has made important contributions to its leading position in the field of innovation.ITW依工约有19600We are proud of our approximately 16,000 patents that have been obtained and are in the process of being applied for.ITWYigong’s current capital market value is approximately US$71 billion710亿美元。ITW集团2023总收入161亿美金,其中汽车平台年销售32亿美金。

ITW依工汽车零部件事业部是ITWITW Yigong Auto Parts Division is the leading business unit among the seven major business divisions of ITW Group;ITWITW Automotive Asia Group is the most important business segment of the entire business unit, with annual revenue exceeding US$800 million.8Total employees exceed 2,9002900名。ITWITW Asia Group Headquarters is established in Shanghai, China-Business area coverage: China, South Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, etc.55 countries and regions, 17 branches17Its business in China has annual revenue of more than US$500 million and has more than 1,800 employees.5亿美元,拥有员工1800多名,在57 branches in 5 cities7个分支机构。

ITWITW Automotive Asia Group has three major business units, namely automotive interior and exterior functional parts, plastic fasteners and powertrain parts; the annual revenue of automotive interior and exterior functional parts in China exceeds2Has more than 900 employees located in 5 cities900多名员工,分布于5个城市,到2025年,将会有6个工厂。中国区汽车内外饰功能部件致力于为中国的新能源汽车以及传统汽车行业提供全方位的内外饰产品的解决方案;我们的产品主要包括隐藏门把手,智能充电口,电动出风口,泄压阀等智能化的产品,同时,我们也提供燃油口,手动出风口以及其它安全带、仪表板、中控、座椅内的精空塑料功能件。我们的相关产品线均处于市场领先地位,主要客户覆盖国内外主流车企公司,我们致力于不断提升客户服务能力和创新研发能力,为主机厂提供内外饰件的创新解决方案。








智己LS6 出风口


10月24日(周四)艾邦将在上海举办汽车智能座舱暨微电机控制系统产业论坛,届时依工汽车 电子研发经理 任萌喆will bring to everyone汽车电动出风口的应用现状和未来发展方向的精彩演讲,敬请关注!  

Guest introduction


Guest profile:

  • 同济大学 自动化 学士学位

  • 上海交通大学 软件工程 硕士学位

  • 2007年~2013年 中国兵器装备集团上海电控研究所

  • 2013年~2021年 上海海拉电子有限公司 高级系统工程主管

  • 负责扭矩转角传感器、位置传感器、执行器产品的研发和应用,涉及的汽车电子领域:转向、制动、加速、电控等。

  • 2021年~至今 依工汽车智能零部件集团 电子研发经理

  • 负责隐藏式门把手、电动充电口/加油口、电动出风口等产品相关电子研发工作,涉及执行器、电容传感器、开关/线束、LED模块等电子组件的软硬件开发。

Conference agenda and sponsorship


Recommended activity one:汽车智能座舱暨微电机控制系统产业论坛(10月24日 上海)



Activity recommendation two:邀请函:第五届汽车智能座舱创新表面技术产业论坛(10月25日 上海)


The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."ITW依工将出席艾邦汽车智能座舱暨微电机控制系统产业论坛并做主题演讲

By 808, ab
