2025年1月18日上午,HIWAY Space(海微总部园区)一期工程的封顶仪式圆满举行。海微HIWAY员工代表、施工方代表、特邀嘉宾等百余人齐聚现场,共同见证了这一重要时刻。
HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶
HIWAY Space一期工程占地50.44亩,建筑面积为7.5万平方米。自2024年6月18日破土动工以来,项目团队在短短7个月内克服重重挑战,确保了工程的顺利推进。从最初的空地到如今主体建筑的封顶,充分展示了项目团队的决心和专业能力。
HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶
HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶
HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶

HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶

HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶

HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶

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HIWAY Space一期工程计划于2025年12月正式投产,预计汽车电子零部件的年产量可达420万台(套)。投产后,将为汽车电子零部件领域注入新活力,进一步提升海微HIWAY在行业内的竞争力,助力企业在市场竞争中获得更多优势。

原文始发于微信公众号(海微HIWAY):HIWAY Space一期工程顺利封顶

Smart surfaces are interior surfaces that combine decorative and functional properties. In the future, every surface in the car can be a smart surface, including door trims, instrument panels, steering wheels, sunroof modules, lighting systems, etc. These surfaces have now evolved from decorative functions to mechatronic user interfaces. Smart surface technology is now in the market introduction and growth stage, with huge development potential. How to make smart surface technology better requires the joint efforts of OEMs, solution designers, parts suppliers, material companies, etc. Now Aibang has Automobile intelligent surface WeChat group, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, Yanfeng, Yilan Auto Parts, Ningbo Huade, Wenzhou Jincheng, Covestro, Kurz, SCHOTT and other companies have joined. Welcome upstream and downstream of the industry chain friends join the group to discuss and seek common progress.