苏州奥美根据车载塑胶盖板产品的自身特点,以及质量控制具体需要,制定了更为精密的控制计划和作业指导书,同时加大防错技术在生产中的应用,避免不合格品的发生,自觉实践精益制造思想。” 并且取得了IATF 16949:2016认证,全球通用的汽车行业质量管理标准,实施了过程审核(VDA6.3)的相关要求。 完善的硬件基础让苏州奥美的产品生产及品质检测手段,都达到了全球一流水平;而健全的管理体系,则让苏州奥美的执行效率得到了充分的保证。 受益于代工全球消费类电子产品,中国厂商在塑胶盖板加工行业处于绝对的领先地位,全球大多数的塑胶盖板加工产能,都集中到了中国境内。 苏州奥美目前可以实现中大尺寸塑胶盖板基板(生板)年产能600万平方米(以2.0mm为例),计划在新厂区投资新的功能化产线(裁切/CNC/热弯/HC/AG/AF/AR),建成一个年产能可以匹配基板材料的的中大尺寸专业触控塑胶盖板表面功能化生产基地,业务涵盖了2D、2.5D、3D塑胶盖板产品。" 目前产品已量产下线,已开始和一线品牌厂商项目测试中。 中大尺寸塑胶盖板在消费类电子产品、汽车电子以及医疗设备领域都有广阔的应用前景,但在产品设计与品质要求上也更加苛严。 "苏州奥美一直致力于各种塑胶膜片的开发、推广和销售,有很大一部分市场,都是来自于汽车电子行业塑胶盖板的需求。随着现代汽车显示与触摸产品承载的信息量越来越大,集成的功能越来越多,因此显示屏的分辨率和触摸屏的可靠性要求,都有了大幅度的提升,苏州奥美开发的多层水晶板改善了传统的塑胶盖板清晰度不足,高温下老化变形、变色等不足,基本上满足现代汽车电子主动介入技术的需求。新型塑胶盖板生产技术,采用了表面硬化、AG(防眩光)、AR(抗反射)和AF(防指纹)等生产工艺,产品指标可以满足汽车电子规定的水平。 文章来源:苏州奥美材料 Aibang has created a vehicle-mounted display exchange group, which currently includes FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Magneti Marelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, and Truly , Leybold, Lens, Bourne, Teyi, Victory Precision,星星科技、TDK, Wacker, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, SCHOTT, Asahi Glass, Tunghsu, Niebling, Sumitomo, Seibel and other upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain have joined. Friends are welcome to scan the QR code to join the group. Recommended reading
The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."苏州奥美量产多层水晶板,可用于车载显示屏防护盖板
Recently, vehicles equipped with integrated black, large-sized displays have gained recognition among many consumers, becoming a hot topic in the industry. Of course, curved displays, 3D glass, large multi-screen setups, OLED, and other hot topics have always been the focus of competition among major manufacturers. In such an industry landscape, Aibang has established a car display communication group. Currently, upstream and downstream enterprises in the display and bonding industry chain, such as FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Marrelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, Xinli, Lai Bao, Lanshi, Bern, Teyi, Victory Precision, Xingxing Technology, TDK, VAC, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, Schott, AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Sumitomo, and Sabic, have joined. All friends are welcome to join the group for discussions and mutual progress.