
deputy general manager

宁波升谱光电股份有限公司副总经理、封装事业部执行总经理,公司创业团队之一。 从事LED封装及应用工作20年,早期从事LED封装的研发及工艺技术工作,主导及参与过多项国家863科技攻关项目及国家科技支撑计划等,
包括科技部"功率型发光二极管封装产业化关键技术"、"RGB三基色白光LED制造技术" 、"氮化镓LED芯片及半导体照明白光LED制造与生产技术"等。2006年开始转向市场及销售工作,对健康照明、汽车LED器件、UV LED技术、红外LED、感测类器件等领域创新应用比较专业,带领团队成功开辟汽车电子、工业电器、健康照明、大健康、智能感测等新型市场。


In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group.

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OEM tier1 lamps Ambient light manufacturer interior auto parts headlight Car lighting company taillight Solution provider controller injection model Mold LED module hot runner light source LED OLED Injection molded light guide strip Connector lens optical fiber glue Instrument central control Glass Hardware design company Cables and Harnesses third party testing Desiccant Heat dissipation material heat sink fan Boutique modification door guard Prototype Lens processing translucent leather Breathable material textured diaphragm Components metallic material Translucent plastic ink protective film chip optical design Driver integration semiconductor coating smart sunroof circuit board adhesive tape Coating luminance meter plastic hot melt glue welding equipment Testing Equipment High pressure forming Injection molding machine equipment University research institute acting trading other
