关于上海矽杰微电子:上海矽杰微电子是一家专注于毫米波雷达芯片及技术开发的国家高新技术企业。总部位于上海嘉定。在上海嘉定区,长宁区,浙江嘉善以及深圳拥有设计中心,生产测试中心及销售办公室。公司目前拥有24GHz,77GHz和60GHz三个芯片产品线。产品已通过车规AECQ验证。核心团队成员来自M/A-COM, Autoliv, NXP, 展讯,上海工研院,上海交通大学等知名半导体企业和高校。更多信息,请访问:www.sgrsemi.com
In order to promote the exchange and development of the industry, Aibang has established an automotive millimeter wave radar industry exchange group, including Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, Hella, Bosch, Veoneer, Continental, Aptiv, Valeo, Denso, Huawei , Desay SV, Joyson Electronics, Huayu, Polytechnic, Toyoda Gosei,Zanini, Siwell, Magna, Minshi, Webasto,SABIC, Covestro, BASF and other upstream and downstream friends from the industry chain joined the group to discuss and seek common progress. Long press the QR code below to apply to join.