《标准》从整体到局部对透视A柱相关技术标准进行了系统考量,并对标准名称、术语定义、技术要求、试验方法进行了详细的规范。哪吒汽车智能研究院执行副院长张祺认为,标准的制定能够及时响应新技术新产品需求,企业参与度高,有利于激发创新积极性,有利于科技成果转化。同时能够促进透视A柱相关零部件及软件和算法的发展,为上下游提供一个统一的技术语言,为透视A柱普及提供研发方向。 上述标准中的“乘用车数字透视A柱系统”也就是业界常说的“透明A柱”。目前市面上仅有合众旗下的哪吒汽车发布量产车型,显示界面采用的是OLED柔性屏。 哪吒汽车透明A柱 该车上的“透明A柱”不是简单的将外部摄像头采集到的图像信息传输到OLED柔性屏上。哪吒U所搭载的“透明”A柱基于 “眉心位置的3D重建及视角变换”和“深度信息的盲区动态映射”等自研核心算法,能通过舱内摄像头跟踪驾驶员双眼,计算出眉心位置,从而对A柱显示屏的显示透视角度确认,并进行实时显示,让驾驶者始终保持视野的清晰。 据悉,今年上海车展上市的哪吒U Pro已经搭载了“透明”A柱2.0,新版本的“透明”A柱显示效果大幅提升,同时驾驶者可通过“透明”A柱2.0实现导航、车道偏离提醒辅助功能及前碰撞预警,进一步提升整车智能安全。 小结: “透明A柱”由于是在A柱表面加装一个显示屏,因此厚度有限。此外,其安全性、画面显示效果等都是各厂商需要重点考虑的点。因此,“透明A柱”将为其盖板加工以及贴合工艺带来一定的考验。 本文信息来源第一电动、易车等,艾邦团队整理 Aibang has created a vehicle-mounted display exchange group, which currently includes FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Magneti Marelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, and Truly , Leybold, Lens, Bourne, Teyi, Victory Precision,星星科技、TDK, Wacker, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, SCHOTT, Asahi Glass, Tunghsu, Niebling, Sumitomo, Seibel and other upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain have joined. Friends are welcome to scan the QR code to join the group. Recommended reading
二、报名方式 Registration method one:请加微信了解详情报名 习小姐:13163717564,ab010@aibang360.com 扫码添加微信咨询报名 报名方式二:在线报名 Scan the QR code to register online 点击阅读原文,即可报名
The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."全国首个技术标准发布,“透明A柱”显示系统正在到来
Recently, vehicles equipped with integrated black, large-sized displays have gained recognition among many consumers, becoming a hot topic in the industry. Of course, curved displays, 3D glass, large multi-screen setups, OLED, and other hot topics have always been the focus of competition among major manufacturers. In such an industry landscape, Aibang has established a car display communication group. Currently, upstream and downstream enterprises in the display and bonding industry chain, such as FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Marrelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, Xinli, Lai Bao, Lanshi, Bern, Teyi, Victory Precision, Xingxing Technology, TDK, VAC, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, Schott, AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Sumitomo, and Sabic, have joined. All friends are welcome to join the group for discussions and mutual progress.