此次发布的小鹏G6搭载京东方精电10.2英寸高清液晶仪表总成,采用全贴合工艺完美的融入了驾舱内饰,其左右防窥的仪表屏幕有效的降低了车内光线对驾驶员的干扰,一体黑的外观设计带来沉浸式的座舱体验。此外,小鹏G6采用京东方精电14.96英寸悬浮式中控总成,高分辨率及对比度使得画质能够完美呈现在一体式的中控屏幕上,其优于行业的屏幕反射率能够适应任何条件下的行驶环境。根据市场调研机构Omdia数据显示,2022年BOE(京东方)车载显示出货量及出货面积双双达成全球第一。目前,BOE(京东方)在汽车仪表、中控总成、娱乐系统显示、AR-HUD增强显示抬头显示、后视镜等多个车载显示细分应用领域,已推出柔性AMOLED、多联屏、贯穿屏、曲面显示、全贴合显示、BD Cell、Mini LED、Oxide(氧化物)、超大尺寸显示等多款多类极具代表性的前沿显示技术和产品方案。作为京东方集团全球车载业务平台,京东方精电智能座舱产品及解决方案已全面应用到包括全球几乎所有主流汽车品牌中。京东方精电始终致力于打造未来智慧出行新生态,推进车载显示和交互领域的产品创新,持续为汽车智能化升级提供一站式产品与服务,为人们带来更便捷舒适的出行体验。京东方精电正携手全球合作伙伴推出车载领域新产品新应用,为人们期待的美好出行增添色彩。The article comes from the BOE Display public accountAibang has created a vehicle-mounted display exchange group, which currently includes FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Magneti Marelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, and Truly , Leybold, Lens, Bourne, Teyi, Victory Precision,星星科技、TDK, Wacker, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, SCHOTT, Asahi Glass, Tunghsu, Niebling, Sumitomo, Seibel and other upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain have joined. Friends are welcome to scan the QR code to join the group.
Recently, vehicles equipped with integrated black, large-sized displays have gained recognition among many consumers, becoming a hot topic in the industry. Of course, curved displays, 3D glass, large multi-screen setups, OLED, and other hot topics have always been the focus of competition among major manufacturers. In such an industry landscape, Aibang has established a car display communication group. Currently, upstream and downstream enterprises in the display and bonding industry chain, such as FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Marrelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, Xinli, Lai Bao, Lanshi, Bern, Teyi, Victory Precision, Xingxing Technology, TDK, VAC, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, Schott, AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Sumitomo, and Sabic, have joined. All friends are welcome to join the group for discussions and mutual progress.