Micro LED则是将LED灯做到足够小,从而实现类似OLED的显示效果。目前业界普遍将LED晶粒尺寸在50~100µm的LED称之为Mini LED,而将晶粒尺寸在30µm以下的称为Micro LED。Micro LED生产中的巨量转移是行业突破的关键技术难点,目前看来,短期内还未见革命性量产突破的可能。因此Mini LED开始进入行业视野。 基于LTPS玻璃基板采用Mini-LED直显技术,天马AM Mini LED直显屏 Mini LED目前的商用分为两种,直显或背光。其中直显暂时仅用在大尺寸商显上面,要做到小尺寸的商用量产其实难点跟Micro方案类似,目前还未见具体的量产产品。因此在车载显示上面来说,还是背光应用。Mini LED背光目前在轻薄化方面较传统LCD其实并无明显优势,但用在对显示屏厚度没有严格要求的车载显示上却十分合适。
12.3英寸+ 35.6英寸Pillar - to - Pillar车载联屏显示,其中35.6”的6K高清显示屏,搭配1440 分区 Mini LED 背光,可实现超细腻、高对比度显示 Mini LED的背光控制也属于前文提到优化LCD显示的 local Dimming方案,它是一种直下式背光方式。但由于Mini LED尺寸非常小,分区数足够多,比如说8英寸的显示屏集成上千颗LED,因此可以实现对显示屏上极小的部分上面进行精细化控光。 龙腾光电蓝光Mini LED显示屏,2304分区 通过精准控光,便可以实现很高的明暗对比、动态显示,继而在对比度、HDR、色域方面都有非常大的提升。此外,采用这种背光方案在显示画面更真实的同时,还可以提升整体屏幕亮度。
小编与部分行业人士就现在的创新显示市场进行了交流,大致有以下几个观点: 1、OLED和Mini LED背光的Local Diming产品,相比于传统LCD显示效果是质的飞跃,目前已在部分车型开始量产。 2、Mini LED的亮度、使用寿命方面较OLED占优,随着量产带来的成本下降,中低端品牌及车型在后续应用中进一步铺开存在可能性。 3、从技术上看,OLED使用寿命方面短期内难见革命性突破,Mini LED背光使得LCD液晶面板的行业寿命延长,在车载显示领域,未来很长一个时间段内,这Mini LED与OLED或将共存。 4、华星、群创、天马、京东方等面板巨头都在积极推广Mini LED在车载显示上的应用。 Aibang has created a vehicle-mounted display exchange group, which currently includes FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Magneti Marelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, and Truly , Leybold, Lens, Bourne, Teyi, Victory Precision,星星科技、TDK, Wacker, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, SCHOTT, Asahi Glass, Tunghsu, Niebling, Sumitomo, Seibel and other upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain have joined. Friends are welcome to scan the QR code to join the group.Recommended activity one:第四届车载显示新技术产业论坛(8月17日 上海) Activity recommendation two:第五届车载抬头显示HUD技术论坛(8月16日 上海)
The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."一文看懂车载面板热点产品:Mini LED背光屏
Recently, vehicles equipped with integrated black, large-sized displays have gained recognition among many consumers, becoming a hot topic in the industry. Of course, curved displays, 3D glass, large multi-screen setups, OLED, and other hot topics have always been the focus of competition among major manufacturers. In such an industry landscape, Aibang has established a car display communication group. Currently, upstream and downstream enterprises in the display and bonding industry chain, such as FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Marrelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, Xinli, Lai Bao, Lanshi, Bern, Teyi, Victory Precision, Xingxing Technology, TDK, VAC, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, Schott, AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Sumitomo, and Sabic, have joined. All friends are welcome to join the group for discussions and mutual progress.