11月14日,艾邦智能汽车俱乐部将在上海举办第三届毫米波雷达产业链技术论坛,届时复睿智行 研发总监 李臣云 将莅临现场,给大家详述《4D毫米波雷达赋能辅助驾驶》,期待大家与会交流。
Speech outline:
Guest introduction:
In order to promote the exchange and development of the industry, Aibang has established an automotive millimeter wave radar industry exchange group, including Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, Hella, Bosch, Veoneer, Continental, Aptiv, Valeo, Denso, Huawei , Desay SV, Joyson Electronics, Huayu, Polytechnic, Toyoda Gosei,Zanini, Siwell, Magna, Minshi, Webasto,SABIC, Covestro, BASF and other upstream and downstream friends from the industry chain joined the group to discuss and seek common progress. Long press the QR code below to apply to join.