As technology matures and cooperation between upstream and downstream industry chains strengthens,The car lighting industry is undergoing changes, such as the rise of private car lights起、配套LEDThe localization of supporting LED companies, the expansion of their own business, and in-depth cooperation in the industrial chain, etc., amid the continuous transformation of various companies, the landscape of automotive lighting suppliers has changed accordingly.

Faced with these changes in industry and technology, as a part of the industrial chain, how should we adapt to this rapidly changing environment? Where will the industry develop in the future? In the context of cost control, how will product form and design evolve? In order to explore these issues, gain in-depth insights into industry trends, and grasp technology trends, the Smart Car Club held this forum in Chongqing. We were fortunate to invite experts from the industry chain to the scene to discuss it together.

In addition, as a long-established automobile industry city, Chongqing is focusing on building a trillion-dollar leading industrial cluster for intelligent connected new energy vehicles. In recent years, Chongqing has anchored the goal of building a trillion-level intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry cluster and continues to promote the automobile industry to accelerate the development of new energy, intelligence, connectivity, high-end, and green.

At present, Chongqing's new energy automobile industry chain is not yet complete, with insufficient industrial concentration and weak regional roots. The new energy smart automobile industry has not yet been consolidated geographically or in clusters. It is urgent for upstream and downstream to strengthen exchanges and cooperation to jointly promote the development of new energy smart cars in Chongqing. Automobile industry cluster, another major significance of holding the Auto Lighting Forum in Chongqing this time is that it hopes to promote the further development of Chongqing’s automobile industry chain through this forum, strengthen more in-depth exchanges between the upstream and downstream industry chains, and provide Chongqing’s “33618” modern Contribute to the construction of manufacturing cluster system.


Let’s review the highlights of this conference from three aspects: guest keynote speeches, booth style, on-site interactions and close-ups.

1. Keynote Speech

1. "Development Process Matching the Development Trend of Automotive Intelligent Lighting" Zhang Xiaohu, Director of Development Institute of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.

At present, electrification, automation, sharing and interconnection are increasingly becoming the development trends of the automobile industry. Automotive lighting and signaling systems based on LED light sources and their derivative technologies, as an important part of autonomous driving and driverless driving, will inevitably become the main development direction of LED lighting in the future. With the rapid evolution of vehicle lighting regulations based on the requirements of the "four modernizations", as a lighting signal system directly related to vehicle driving safety and user experience, how to quickly maintain interconnection with the entire vehicle has always been a matter of great concern to the industry.

At this forum, Zhang Xiaohu, director of Chery Automobile Development Institute, gave detailed information on the development history of automotive lighting, customer demand for lighting, how to define smart lighting, the development trend of smart lighting, and the development process and cases of smart lighting. Describes "The development trend of automotive intelligent lighting and the development process matching it".

Minister Zhang Xiaohu introduced that with the changes of the times, during the 30 years of rapid global development, people born in the 2000s are currently the main car buyers. This group of people has witnessed the grand scene of the country's take-off and economic surge after the millennium. Among the new generation customer group (those born between 1997 and 2012, also known as Generation Z), users pay more attention to self-expression, that is, inward exploration. This group of people’s demand for automotive lamps is not only to illuminate farther and brighter, but also to consider personalization and customization, intelligence and interconnection, brand fashion and personal identity, and short-chain decision-making. There are more specific needs in each dimension.

The carrier of scene-driven function rapid prototyping is software development. Traditional cars often rely on hardware to implement various functions, while software-defined cars use computer technology and artificial intelligence algorithms to control various parts of the car through software.

Software-defined cars, in layman’s terms, use software to generate new business functions for cars. The rise of smart cars has made the concept of "software-defined cars" an industry consensus. With the development of intelligent automotive connectivity and autonomous driving technology, software will become the basis for future car intelligence. In the context of the auto market entering into stock competition, , Intelligent connected cars defined by software have become a key track for car companies' transformation and breakthrough. The most convenient way for the self-evolution of the car itself is software evolution. Through OTA upgrades, the software can easily achieve "thousands of people, thousands of faces" .

The wave of software-defined cars has brought innovation to the traditional automotive electronic architecture. From distributed architecture to domain control architecture and central computing architecture, major car companies have gradually reached a consensus on automotive electronic architecture, and automotive hardware systems have gradually become consistent. Whether it is a supplier planning a roadmap for its own products or an OEM doing its own research and development, the unified goal is to form a standardized and modular technical solution. Therefore, at this level, it is difficult for OEMs to create differentiation in hardware.

Then, the task of determining the core competitiveness of car companies falls on software. Software will determine how many functions a car can be equipped with, as well as personalization and differentiation in the car experience. In the final analysis, the essential thinking direction of software-defined cars is how to distinguish one car from other cars through software.

2. "Indixin Micro assists in the localization of head and tail lights solutions" Wen Haoran, senior product manager of Indi Xinwei

On the road to reducing the cost of new energy vehicles, car lights, as auto parts with high single-vehicle value, have to be the focus. As the cost of car light chips accounts for an increasingly high proportion of car lights, it is also a part that car light suppliers cannot ignore. . Among the mainstream car lighting chips, they mainly include MCU, DCDC, LDO, linear chips, switch chips, CAN and LIN transceivers, etc. With the trend of automobile electrification and intelligence, the demand for MCUs continues to increase. At the same time, against the background of unstable external factors, the localization of the supply chain is urgent.

At this forum, Wen Haoran, senior product manager of INDIXIN Micro, mainly elaborated on the "INDIXIN Micro's localization solution for headlights and taillights" from aspects such as INDIXinMicro's company profile, headlights, and taillight solutions.

In the automotive pre-installation market, INDIXIN has shipped more than 200 million micro-auto-standard products in the pre-installation market, ranking first in the shipment of local auto-standard active chips. Intex Micro has passed the IS09001:2015 certification, and its supply chain system complies with the IATF16949 standard. The automotive grade chips developed and produced are in compliance with AEC-Q100 certification and have been verified by large-scale vehicle mass production. The application areas include interior lights and headlights. Tail lights, door and window seats, etc.

Manager Wen Haoran introduced INDIXIN Micro's headlight solution through a typical headlight system application block diagram. Based on the entire headlight solution, INDIXIN Micro has planned three products, namely CV Boost, LED The constant current source drives CV Buck and matrix switch Matrix Controller. Among them, the matrix switch product is already in mass production, the constant current source drive product is in the sample testing stage, and CV Boost is expected to be sample tested in Q3.

Finally, Manager Wen Haoran gave everyone a detailed description of the specific applications of each product, product features and advantages, and some test performance comparisons, includingiND87520iND87682iND83080iND83010等。The 12-channel matrix control chip iND83080 for headlight control can be widely used in ADB, DRL, turn signal and other applications, achieving a breakthrough for domestic chips in headlight applications.12通道矩阵控制芯片 iND83080可以广泛应用于ADBDRL,转向灯等应用,实现国产芯片在大灯应用的突破。

3. "Design Trends and Application Scenarios of 360° Body Projection Modules" Qi Gaojin, Director of Xingyu Auto Lighting Intelligent Car Lighting

As automobile automation and intelligence deepen, the functional boundaries of car lights are also extended, becoming smarter and more interactive, empowering a safer and more personalized driving experience. Ground projection technology is also one of the ways to use car lights to show personalization, giving more possibilities for safety and interactive scenarios.

At this forum, Qi Gaojin, Director of Intelligent Car Lighting at Xingyu Auto Lighting, gave a detailed introduction from three aspects: 360° body projection design trends, 360° body projection technology solutions, and 360° body projection application scenarios.

Director Qi Gaojin introduced: Under the trend of automobile intelligence,360°The market and technical environment for body projection have matured; intelligent interaction & technological innovation have promoted the upgrade of 360° body projection to intelligence and personalization; driven by the market, 360° body projection has moved towards more mainstream price segments&技术革新推动360°车身投影向智能化、个性化升级;市场驱动下,360°车身投影向更主流价位段下沉。

In the 360° car body projection technology solution section, Director Qi Gaojin introduced that there are currently two main solutions: dynamic film projection color DLP&Laser fiber projection.、彩色DLP&激光光纤投影。

Finally, Director Qi Gaojin concluded that under the homogeneous competition in the automobile market, 360° body projection will become an important direction for OEMs to create differentiated competitive advantages. As the consumption structure of the automobile market upgrades, the penetration rate of 360° body projection will gradually increase and sink to mainstream sales models. On the basis of meeting users' safety needs, 360° body projection gradually develops towards intelligent interaction and personalized entertainment. In response to the needs of car consumers in different price ranges, 360° body projection requires a variety of technical solutions. Under the trend of automobile intelligence, 360° body projection will be integrated with the sensing system to become an integrated solution for sensing and photographing collaboration.

4. "The driving method of "one core and multiple extensions" for automobile headlights" Liang Tingting, technical marketing manager of Diao Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

From the ambient lights, signal indicators, and digital screen backlights inside the car to the turn signals, brake lights, fog lights, and daytime running lights outside the car, LED applications can be seen everywhere inside and outside the car. With the rapid development of LED lighting in the field of automotive electronics, new LED challenges are also coming one after another. Driving high-power LEDs requires solving the constant current problem and ensuring the reliability of the entire LED driver. In the field of LED green lighting, it must be energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and must have high efficiency and power factors.

In this forum, Liang Tingting, technical marketing manager of Di'ao Microelectronics Co., Ltd., mainly explained in detail the characteristics of automobile headlight drive, how to realize it, "one core, multiple extensions" and the introduction of Di'ao micro car light products. The driving method of "one core and multiple extensions" for automobile headlights.

Manager Liang Tingting introduced that of all topologies, the most important ones are three active devices, IMOS, current storage diode, and inductor. These three devices form a different topology through different connection methods. In essence, they are all these three devices.

In the speech, Manager Liang gave everyone a detailed introduction to various circuit diagrams, such as Buck circuits, etc., and also introduced how to use one chip to drive multiple topology architectures, and compared in detail High-side Buck vs Floating Buck, Boost to battery vs septic.

The two common points between High-side Buck and Floating Buck are that the output current is continuous and the output ripple is relatively small. The filter capacitors that need to be added can be selected to be smaller. One of their common disadvantages is that their input current is discontinuous, so their input current will have a waveform that jumps from zero to peak current. At this time, it will increase the radiation of Emi. In order to reduce this Radiation requires adding more and larger filter capacitors on the input side, so this is a small disadvantage.

Finally, Manager Liang Tingting gave everyone a detailed introduction to DIA82901, the latest product launched by Diao Micro. The DIA82901 product supports 5 power topology architectures, flexible dimming methods, built-in PWM dimming, 15uA, extremely low shutdown current, and a separate error pin.

5. "Alternative Plan for Localization of Car Light Desiccant" He Xianpei, Senior Engineer of Topco Industrial

Car lights are becoming more and more flat in design, and more and more LEDs are used as light sources. Since the heat distribution of light LEDs is essentially different from that of light bulbs, the fogging problem of car lights will become more and more serious. At the same time, OEMs have increasingly higher requirements for fogging. In order to solve this problem, the use of car light desiccant is a common method.

At this forum, He Xianpei, senior engineer of Tepuco Industrial, introduced in detail the "Alternative Plan for the Localization of Car Light Desiccant" from aspects such as company introduction, production process, current application status of car lamp desiccant, product comparison, etc.

He Xianpei, senior engineer of Topco Industrial, made a detailed comparison between the company's products and OZO's products in terms of moisture absorption rate, moisture release rate, expansion rate, etc. The results showed that in terms of moisture absorption rate and expansion rate, the company's products can reach the same level as OZO's products. The product has the same effect, but is better in terms of moisture release rate.

He Xianpei, senior engineer of Topco Industrial, introduced that the characteristics of car light desiccant include: dustproof and waterproof, high temperature resistance, safety, environmental friendliness, etc. Selective permeable material, water vapor can pass through, but water molecules cannot pass; the sealing strength of ordinary wrapping paper is 5N. However, Duterte paper is greater than 45N and difficult to tear; ordinary wrapping paper: 80℃, Duterte paper: 120℃ ; Duterte paper: adhesive-free composite, DuPont paper: glue bonding.

6. "Development Trends and Applications of Lamps in New Automobile Forms" Xu Tao, chief design engineer of Chongqing Changan Automobile Lamps System

In the automotive industry, the design of lamps not only plays a lighting role, but is also an important reflection of the car's brand image. As the shape of automobiles continues to evolve, the design of lamps is also constantly updated and upgraded. The lighting design trend under the new automobile form is developing in the direction of intelligence, artistry, humanization, energy saving and environmental protection, lightweight and integration. These trends will enable automotive lamps to provide drivers with a safer, more comfortable and more beautiful driving experience while meeting basic lighting functions.

At this forum, Xu Tao, chief design engineer of Chongqing Changan Automotive Lighting System, gave a detailed account of the "Development Trends and Development Trends of Lamps in New Automobile Forms" from aspects such as the development history of automotive lamps, typical applications of lamps, lamp development practices, and future prospects. application".

Director Xu Tao emphasized that the current situation of the new automobile industry is an era of involution, and lighting is developing in the direction of integration, such as integrated front face and integrated large screen; software-defined lighting is also a development trend, such as Avita halo screen, and the development of car lighting technology Thanks to innovations in light source technology.

Typical applications presented by luminaires, such as front lighting, are miniaturized: sizes are getting smaller and smaller. Intelligent: The safety factor is getting higher and higher. Interactivity: Entertainment functions are becoming more and more abundant. Customization: Meet the application requirements of special scenarios. Rear lighting, through-type lamps, upgraded from split type to through-type. Lamps are three-dimensional, evolving from a flat effect to a three-dimensional effect. The signal lights are pixelated, developing from static simple patterns to dynamic and complex text/graphics.

Lamp industry chain ecology: Car lighting chips are domestically produced, and domestic substitution has become a new choice for more companies to ensure the stability of the supply chain. With the localization of LED light sources for car lights, more and more domestic LED players have begun to deploy automotive LEDs, but most of them have transformed from industrial lighting and mainly follow the leading international LED manufacturers.

In the outlook part, Director Xu Tao gave a summary mainly from the aspects of appearance, regulatory system costs, etc. Appearance bottleneck: Through-lights are basically popular, and large-area display screens are gradually increasing. Regulatory restrictions: Innovative lamps such as ADS lamps, logo lamps, body decorative lamps, etc. The system is complex: lamps are no longer just structural parts, but more electronic parts, and have communication functions. Cost constraints: The large-scale use of LEDs and even OLEDs has caused the cost of lamps to continue to rise.

7. "Application of Thermal Conductive Polycarbonate in Car Lights" Luo Zhen, Application Development Manager of Covestro

In the automotive industry, the choice of lamp materials has a crucial impact on the performance and life of the lamps. As a high-performance material, thermally conductive polycarbonate is increasingly used in lamps. Some properties of thermally conductive polycarbonate can not only extend the life of car lights, but also improve the appearance, safety and reliability of car lights. For example, thermally conductive polycarbonate has high thermal conductivity, which can effectively conduct heat away from heat sources such as high-power LEDs, preventing LEDs from reducing performance or life due to overheating. This material can help make car lights more compact while maintaining good heat dissipation. Thermal conductive polycarbonate has high mechanical strength and impact resistance, which can protect the internal LEDs from external physical damage, thereby extending the service life of the car lights.

At this forum, Mr. Luo Zhen, the application development manager of Covestro, gave a detailed introduction to "Thermal Conductive Polycarbonate" mainly from aspects such as polycarbonate materials in thermal conductivity applications and Covestro's material development in thermal conductivity applications. Application in car lights".

Manager Luo introduced that Covestro developed heat dissipation materials 10 years ago, which were mainly used in medical applications. Through years of development, Covestro is also working hard to develop heat dissipation materials for automobiles, especially car lights. Compared with traditional car lights, Covestro's car lamp exhibits have advantages such as lightweight and environmental protection. The more important difference is that the car lamp back shell is made of thermally conductive plastic, which integrates the radiator, housing and LED chip.

The advantage of plastic as a radiator is that it can not only be integrated with some parts of the car lights, but also integrated with electronic components for in-mold injection molding. Although in-mold injection molding of electronic components is not a new process, there are still some difficulties in combining it with the car lamp process, because the production of car lamps has safety requirements and the temperature resistance of electronic components.

Finally, I will give you a detailed description of some heat dissipation material application cases developed in cooperation with customers. LED projector module integration, plug-in molded LED modules of varying levels of complexity. The in-mold electronic process integrates the LED into the thermally conductive housing/reflector. Compared with the traditional design, it reduces the number of parts by 5, reduces the process by 2, and reduces the weight by 40%. Compared with PC reflector and cast aluminum heat sink, the system cost is saved by 22%.

8. "Introduction to the Solution of Intelligent Interactive Lighting and Development Platform" Wang Lin, General Manager of Walli Technology

With the continuous development of automobile technology, the interactive functions of car lights are gradually improved. "Smart headlights, car projection interactive lights, grille lights, interactive atmosphere lights, car logo lights, etc. can be used as the silent 'language' of the car." Various aspects of the car This kind of light will communicate with the outside world at any time without handshake communication according to the scene, becoming the vehicle's "language system" for external communication, improving driving safety, reducing road rage, and improving the intelligence and experience of the vehicle.

At this forum, Mr. Wang Lin, general manager of Walli Technology, mainly gave everyone an introduction to the company, introduction to smart car lights (ADB/AFS algorithm development, projector headlights and interactive lights), software and hardware algorithm development, software and hardware design, etc. introduced in detail.

After more than 10 years of development, Walli Technology has become an intelligent software and algorithm development service provider, a smart car lighting development + module provider, and a localized low-cost optimization supplier.

In the hardware part, Mr. Wang gave everyone a detailed description of the development ideas, hardware architecture, hardware chip selection, optics and drivers, headlight optics and drivers. Advantages of headlight optics and driving: Building a prototype of this lamp by yourself will help you better understand and control the principle and function of the controller. In terms of optics, the main light uses a 24~48 zone headlight, and the auxiliary light uses a MICRO_LED headlight. This lamp is a relatively cutting-edge product in the current car lighting industry, using optical structure C samples from manufacturers such as Philips or Osram. In terms of driver, we rely on the support of chip manufacturers to build functional prototypes. Based on function and cost considerations: the main light is implemented using TI matrix LED devices. The auxiliary light MICRO_LED uses the SPI interface provided by the LED manufacturer to produce driver samples.

Finally, I introduced some of the project results, such as the development and application of controllers, pixel headlight source product projects, Micro LED products, display interactive lights, etc. WALLI technology products have mass-produced a variety of vehicle models, such as dark blue SL-03 car logo lights, Qiyuan A06 car logo lights, UNI-V car logo lights, UNI-V fishbone lights/stream lights, Nuomi front car logo lights, etc. .

9. "Opportunities and Challenges of Domesticized Anti-fog Coatings for Car Lights" Dr. Tang Bo, General Manager of Chongqing Qinggong Xinye Materials CE0 & Chongqing Polytechnic Highly Appointed Associate Professor

In the automotive industry, anti-fog coatings on headlights are critical to improving headlight performance and driving safety. With the rapid development of my country's automobile industry, domestically produced anti-fog coatings for car lamps are facing huge market opportunities, as well as certain challenges. For example, as automobile safety standards improve, the demand for anti-fog coatings on car lights is also growing. This provides a broad market space for domestically produced anti-fog coatings for car lights. With the continuous advancement of material science and coating technology, the performance of domestic anti-fog coatings for car lights has become comparable to that of international brands, and even has innovative advantages in some aspects.

At this forum, Dr. Tang Bo, general manager and CEO of Chongqing Qinggong Xinye Materials Company, gave a detailed account of "Opportunities for Domesticized Anti-fog Coatings for Car Lights" from aspects such as development history, application status, market conditions, and existing problems. and face challenges”.

10. "Key Software and Hardware Technologies of Lighting Controller Platform" Verrico LCU Development Manager Ye Ding

At this forum, Ye Ding, LCU development manager of Chongqing Verrico, mainly discussed the development history and trends of lighting controller technology, the challenges faced by the platformization of lighting controllers – the balance between functions and costs, and the hardware technology path of platformization of lighting controllers. , the software technology path of lighting controller platformization, Varroc lighting controller product matrix and other aspects will give you a detailed explanation of the key software and hardware technologies of lighting controller platformization.

Manager Ye Ding introduced that the impact of changes in automobile electrical architecture on lighting controllers is mainly reflected in the future electrical architecture. Lighting algorithms and control decisions will gradually be moved up to domain controllers, and lighting controllers will gradually become a pure execution driver module. .

The lighting controller executes the lighting algorithm, and problems of computing resources, information delay, and algorithm open-loop are inevitable; the so-called "lighting domain" controller is generated due to organizational structure barriers rather than technology, and even if it exists, it is short-lived; due to its close proximity to the load With the needs of different models and the diversity of load changes, light controllers will not die out.

The advantages and driving forces of lighting controller software platformization are mainly due to three major factors: reduced system costs, shortened R&D cycles, and simplified innovation. Challenges faced by lighting controller platformization: balance between function and cost.

How to grasp the trends of technology and market so that it can still serve as a technology leader in 3-5 years; if the platform is not well considered, the needs of main functions and models will be missed; the stacking of large and comprehensive functions will lead to The design is too complex and redundant, but fails to meet the requirements of cost reduction; how to use 2-3 lighting controllers to cover most car models according to the company's planning and positioning; electronic tailoring is easy to implement, but N The cost of clipping from channel to N-X channel cannot be directly reduced by X/N. The cost of the mechanical part and the communication and control circuit part has become an obstacle to the cost advantage of the low-power version of the lighting controller.

11. "Reliability certification of automotive-grade optoelectronic devices, an important force in promoting the upgrading of the automotive industry" James Zhu, SGS technical manager

At this forum, SGS technical manager James Zhu gave a detailed account of the background of automotive device requirements, introduction to AEC-Q, development of AEC-Q102 testing and certification, SGS AEC-Q testing capabilities and advantages, and introduction to SGS. Reliability certification of automotive-grade optoelectronic devices is an important force in promoting the upgrading of the automotive industry.

In the first part, SGS technical manager James Zhu introduced: In terms of IC integrated circuit chips, we rely heavily on imports. The value of imported chips in 2020 was approximately US$380 billion, a year-on-year increase of about 15%; while the number of imported chips increased by 22% year-on-year, both setting new records; and has continued to become the number one imported commodity. The value of exported chips was US$116.6 billion, a year-on-year increase of about 15%, and the number of exported chips increased by 18.8% year-on-year.

With the development of the automotive industry, the share of domestic automotive electronics companies is expected to continue to increase. Car manufacturers and automotive electronics module manufacturers continue to control costs and pursue profits. The global public health security incident in 2020 has had a huge impact on the global industrial chain. There have been successive production shutdowns of car factories caused by component shortages. The rapid shift in demand from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles has driven the rapid growth of automotive components. National Strategy: In order to support the development of the national semiconductor industry, the State Council issued the "Policy to Promote the Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry", which requires that the self-sufficiency rate of chips should reach 70% in 2025, and will increase from 30% to 30% in just a few years. % to 70% is a huge challenge, which fully illustrates the country’s emphasis on the chip industry. For this reason, the country has given great policy support to the domestic semiconductor industry. Based on the above, domestically produced car manufacturing chips will surely ride on the express train of development.

The LED light-emitting devices used in LED automotive lighting are required to meet automotive regulations, with high luminous efficiency and good temperature resistance. At the same time, the stability and consistency of the LED chips are extremely high. Passing AEC-Q102 certification is a long process for enterprises. It requires a product to benchmark against this measurement standard from the beginning of design and development, conduct repeated tests, discover and improve product defects in a timely manner, so that mass-produced finished products can successfully pass AEC. -Q102 certification.

12. "Solutions of the Third Generation Semiconductor Gallium Nitride Technology in the Miniaturization of Car Light Electronics" Dr. Wu Bin Dr. Ke Xugang, Vice President of Yuanxin Semiconductor Professor of Zhejiang University/Yuanxin Semiconductor

At this forum, Dr. Wu Bin and Dr. Ke Xugang mainly discussed the introduction of Yuanxin Semiconductor, the introduction of gallium nitride, the demand for gallium nitride in the miniaturization of vehicle lighting systems, Yuanxin lamp controllers and half-bridge drivers to solve the problem of gallium nitride vehicles. The "Solutions of Third-Generation Semiconductor Gallium Nitride Technology in the Miniaturization of Automotive Light Electronics" is given in detail in terms of lamp application problems and other aspects.

Because of the high-frequency characteristics of gallium nitride, it is suitable for high-power density system design.

1. Smaller volume provides higher pressure resistance

2. Smaller parasitic inductance, faster switching speed

3. Smaller parasitic capacitance, lower switching losses and lower driving losses

4. No reverse recovery, the lower the switching loss

The fields that gallium nitride devices are penetrating include automobiles, LED lighting, home appliances, consumer electronics, medical care, etc. According to growth estimates by Market and Market, Yole and other institutions, it is expected that the global gallium nitride component market will grow at an average annual compound growth rate of more than 80% by 2026.

Because many LEDs used in ambient lights have their own control chips, the voltage range is between 4.5 and 5.5V. Due to the length of the wire harness, overshoot will occur when the light turns on and off, which is generally solved with a relatively large output capacitor. Therefore, in the interior light power output module, using GaN and increasing the frequency can increase efficiency, improve overshoot, reduce output capacitance, and reduce the size of the power module.

Finally, I will introduce Yuanxin DC/DC matrix product line and high-performance half-bridge drive product series (Half-Bridge Product Line-YX4705, Half-Bridge Product Line-YX4725). The gallium nitride driver is compatible with other current car light controllers.


Finally, at the roundtable forum, we invited six guests to discussTechnical challenges and trends in the integration of autonomous driving sensors into headlights; the application of intelligent car light interactive lights in car headlights; the technical path for intelligent car light electronic software programming; the application of new semiconductor technology in car light electronics, etc.问题。

They are: Zhuang Ji, Marketing Director of Intex Micro Resources, Xu Tao, Chief Engineer of Chongqing Changan Automotive Lighting System Design, Director of Changan Deep Blue Interior and Interior Performance Room, Ye Ding, Chongqing Verrico LCU Development Manager, Dr. Wu Bin, Vice President of Yuanxin Semiconductor, Marelli Marelli Optical Engineer Li Zhongneng英迪芯微 资源市场总监 庄吉、重庆长安汽车 灯具系统设计主任工程师 徐涛、长安深蓝 内外饰性能室主管、重庆伟瑞柯 LCU开发经理 叶丁、元芯半导体 副总裁 吴斌博士、Marelli Optical Engineer Li Zhongneng

Zhuang Ji, Resource Marketing Director of INTI Xinwei

Changan Deep Blue Interior and Exterior Performance Room Supervisor

Xu Tao, chief engineer of lighting system design of Chongqing Changan Automobile

Ye Ding, LCU Development Manager, Chongqing Weirike

Yuanxin Semiconductor Vice President Dr. Wu Bin

Marelli Optical Engineer Li Zhongneng

2. Booth style

1. Wuxi Yingdixin Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Jiangsu Diao Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

3. Chongqing Wali Instrument Co., Ltd.

4. Foshan Shunde Tepugao Industrial Co., Ltd.

5. Yonghao Optoelectronics (China) Co., Ltd./Huaju Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

6. Shenzhen Ruiguangda Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

7. Shanghai Guangse Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

8. Dongguan Guangyan Technology Co., Ltd.

9. Shenzhen Xilande Optical Co., Ltd.

10. Kunshan Huayu Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

11. Shenzhen Anborui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

12. Zhejiang Lante Optical Co., Ltd.

3. On-site interaction and close-ups

4. Sponsorship and support

Title Sponsor Proposal

WuXi Indie Microelectronics Ltd

Sponsoring and supporting units











SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.



Dongguan Guangyan Technology Co., Ltd.



Shanghai Guangse Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.



Thank you to all the participants for your support of this conference. See you next time!

In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group. At present, Valeo, Huayu Vision, Hella, Magneti Marelli, Mobis, XINGYU CO.. LTD., Damao Verrico, Mande, Jinxiang Lighting, Koito, Changcheng Automobile Industry, Dibao, Jiali , Tongming, Jinye, Centrino, Anrui, Yedi and other automotive lighting companies have joined the group.XINGYU CO.. LTD.、大茂伟瑞柯、曼德、锦祥照明、小糸、常诚车业、帝宝、嘉利、彤明、金业、迅驰、安瑞、叶迪等车灯企业均已入群。

活动推荐一The 6th Automotive Intelligent Interior Ambience Lighting Industry Forum (May 17, Chongqing)

Recommended activities three:The 2nd Automotive Intelligent Dimming Glass Industry Forum 2024 (June 6, Shanghai)


In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group.

Welcome toClickJoin Aibang smart car lights/Ambient light group friend address book

Members: 4696, Popularity: 121221

OEM tier1 lamps Ambient light manufacturer interior auto parts headlight Car lighting company taillight Solution provider controller injection model Mold LED module hot runner light source LED OLED Injection molded light guide strip Connector lens optical fiber glue Instrument central control Glass Hardware design company Cables and Harnesses third party testing Desiccant Heat dissipation material heat sink fan Boutique modification door guard Prototype Lens processing translucent leather Breathable material textured diaphragm Components metallic material Translucent plastic ink protective film chip optical design Driver integration semiconductor coating smart sunroof circuit board adhesive tape Coating luminance meter plastic hot melt glue welding equipment Testing Equipment High pressure forming Injection molding machine equipment University research institute acting trading other

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