Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line


Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line


On June 18, Hubei Huazhong Marelli Automotive Lighting Co., Ltd.’s 10th anniversary event, the “20 millionth headlight off-line ceremony” was held at the Huazhong Magneti Marelli Phase II factory. The company's management, production and operation team and more than 750 employees attended the ceremony.

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

Factory Manager Ren Xiaoming delivered a speech

First of all, factory manager Ren Xiaoming delivered a speech: The company's critical success in product development and production is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of every employee. Looking back on the past ten years, from its establishment in 2014 to the present, every minute and every second They are all so unforgettable. We have shed hard sweat together and created brilliant achievements. I hope that in the next ten or twenty years, we will still fight side by side with the company and forge ahead.

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

Unveiling ceremony

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

cake cutting ceremony

Next, company leaders and production and operation department managers unveiled the 20 millionth car light off the assembly line. Since its opening, Huazhong Marelli has produced a total of 20 million car lights, including halogen car lights, xenon car lights, LED car lights and intelligent interactive car lights. It uses a modular, serialized and standardized international advanced manufacturing system to reflect the company's Excellent strength in technology research and development, intelligent manufacturing and quality control.

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

Group photo of all members

The long road through Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it from the beginning. The successful rollout of 20 million car lights marks that Huazhong Magneti Marelli is about to embark on a new journey. The company's management will lead all employees to move towards a more glorious tomorrow with a more determined pace!

The article comes from the Huazhong Magneti Marelli official account

In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group. At present, Valeo, Huayu Vision, Hella, Magneti Marelli, Mobis, XINGYU CO.. LTD., Damao Verrico, Mande, Jinxiang Lighting, Koito, Changcheng Automobile Industry, Dibao, Jiali , Tongming, Jinye, Centrino, Anrui, Yedi and other automotive lighting companies have joined the group.XINGYU CO.. LTD.、大茂伟瑞柯、曼德、锦祥照明、小糸、常诚车业、帝宝、嘉利、彤明、金业、迅驰、安瑞、叶迪等车灯企业均已入群。
Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

Recommended activity one:邀请函:第五届车载创新显示技术及供应链发展论坛(8月16日 合肥)

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line


No. Topic  Guests to be invited
1 车载新型显示产品的全球发展趋势报告 标普国际
2 OLED产品在汽车新型显示产品的应用案例 光翌科技
3 MINI/MICRO LED在汽车新型显示产品的应用介绍 天马
4 虚拟时代到来,AR/VR助力汽车产业 ARVR供应商
5 DLP技术汽车新型产品的应用介绍 TI
6 ARHUD新型显示赋能智能座舱应用案例 HUD供应商
7 高级显示系统激光雷达:自动驾驶的“眼睛” 激光雷达供应商
8 驾乘新未来:创新光源助力车载投影技术进化 投影技术供应商
9 车载透明屏带来新型显示产品特点和功能 BOE
10 新型显示技术在车载领域专利的布局和概述 智慧牙
11 全隐屏显示屏和木纹内饰完全融合应用 天马或者DNP
12 车载创新显示技术背后的材料新世界 material supplier
13 创新检测方案助力车载新型显示技术的发展 检测设备供应商
14 元宇宙技术赋能车载显示看见未来 元宇宙供应商
15 汽车HMI设计趋势:塑造智能驾驶的未来体验 HMI供应商
16 车载科技狂飙:光场屏/激光投影助力智能汽车 光场屏供应商
17 圆桌会议:



Number of attendees.
1~2 people
3 people and above
2600 yuan per person
2500 yuan/person
2700 yuan per person
2600 yuan per person
2800 yuan per person
2700 yuan per person
On-site payment.
3000 yuan per person
2800 yuan per person
The fee includes conference tickets, a full set of conference materials, lunch, coffee breaks, dinner, etc., but does not include accommodation;
The conference hotel can be booked through Aibang. The group negotiated price is ??? yuan/room/night (including two breakfasts). King bed/standard room is optional.
Registration method one:
Please add on WeChat for more information and registration details.


Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

Speaking or Sponsoring:

Vander: 15800874409 (same number on WeChat)

Registration method two:

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line
Scan the QR code above to register online

Activity recommendation two:邀请函:第六届车载抬头显示HUD技术论坛(8月15日 合肥

Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."Huazhong Magneti Marelli's 20 million car lights roll off the production line

By 808, ab
