6月21日,在福耀集团举办的“夺天工 幕新境”全新一代智能隔热全景天幕新产品布会上,海优威联合福耀集团推出一款全新的智能调光全景汽车天幕,该产品的正式上市意味着海优威PDCLC(聚合物分散染料液晶)调光膜Light Feel®正式实现市场商业化。
继此前海优威以专利XPO产品携手陶氏推出新世代座椅解决方案,本次海优威PDCLC调光膜Light Feel®在全景天幕的应用将助力公司再拓汽车业务领域。
原文始发于微信公众号(海优威):全新PDCLC调光膜Light Feel®正式实现市场商业化,海优威将持续开拓智能汽车座舱领域
Although some models have begun to be equipped with dimmable canopy glass, and the development prospects of dimmable canopy glass are promising, there are still some development bottlenecks, and it is urgent for the industry to work together to overcome problems, such as: packaging, lifespan, potential difference, materials, etc. . In order to promote the development of the industry and overcome industry bottlenecks, Abant has established an automotive dimming glass industry chain exchange group for everyone, and we look forward to your joining.
At present, BMW, Great Wall, Geely, Jikrypton, Ford, FAW, Hyundai, BYD, Yanfeng Plastic Omnium, Minth, BOE, Fuyao Glass, Yaopi Glass, Qingyao Glass, Guangyi Technology, Niruo Electronics, Kande Xin, Yuguang New Materials, Xingye New Materials, Centaur, Weiku Technology, Qiguang Technology, Huake Chuangzhi, Vision New Materials, Ningbo Jizhi, Guangdong Huicheng Vacuum, Nano-Arc Vacuum, etc. have all joined the group.
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Welcome to join us.Switchable glass address book, currently BYD, Guangyi, Jikrypton, Fuyao Glass, etc. have joined. You can filter the following tags to view the directory.
OEM auto parts application terminal Material Coating Glass equipment 变色材料 电致变色 调光薄膜 dimmable glass PDLC other