近日,华为开发者大会(HDC.2024)在东莞松山湖举行,航盛受邀出席HUAWEI HiCar智慧出行峰会。会上,航盛凭借在HUAWEI Hicar平台上卓越的产品开发能力和突出的生态建设贡献,获颁“2024 HUAWEI HiCar卓越合作伙伴”奖。
聚势汇能,携手共赢!航盛荣获“HUAWEI HiCar卓越合作伙伴”奖
聚势汇能,携手共赢!航盛荣获“HUAWEI HiCar卓越合作伙伴”奖
作为华为智慧出行领域的合作伙伴,早在2021年,航盛电子便与华为成功签署了合作备忘录,双方明确在HUAWEI HiCar产品与平台级战略合作、测试能力共建、车载生态联合创新、联合市场拓展、品牌建设等领域进行全方位交流与深化合作,并基于航盛的智能座舱平台能力、华为的生态能力,共同打造高性能智慧座舱产品及解决方案,为用户提供高品质的智能汽车产品和高效、便捷、专属化的全场景移动出行体验。在今年的6月21日,航盛电子与华为终端签署了HUAWEI HiCar集成开发合作协议,双方将在HUAWEI HiCar集成开发和上车应用方面展开合作,为汽车消费者提供更加流畅便捷的车机服务,带来更好的智慧出行体验。
随着人机交互与座舱感知技术的快速更新和发展,智能座舱领域已进入多模交互、多屏融合、主动式内容服务和万物互联的全新发展阶段。未来,航盛将持续发挥在智能座舱及智能网联领域的技术开发优势,深化在HUAWEI HiCar产品与平台上的技术合作,持续赋能华为全场景智慧出行生态建设,共创智能座舱优质产品,共筑移动出行智慧体验。
聚势汇能,携手共赢!航盛荣获“HUAWEI HiCar卓越合作伙伴”奖

原文始发于微信公众号(航盛电子):聚势汇能,携手共赢!航盛荣获“HUAWEI HiCar卓越合作伙伴”奖

Recently, vehicles equipped with integrated black, large-sized displays have gained recognition among many consumers, becoming a hot topic in the industry. Of course, curved displays, 3D glass, large multi-screen setups, OLED, and other hot topics have always been the focus of competition among major manufacturers. In such an industry landscape, Aibang has established a car display communication group. Currently, upstream and downstream enterprises in the display and bonding industry chain, such as FAW, SAIC, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Harman, Marrelli, Huayang, Desay SV, Hangsheng Electronics, Tianma, BOE, TPK, Changxin Technology, Xinli, Lai Bao, Lanshi, Bern, Teyi, Victory Precision, Xingxing Technology, TDK, VAC, 3M, Tongli Optoelectronics, Corning, Schott, AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Sumitomo, and Sabic, have joined. All friends are welcome to join the group for discussions and mutual progress. 从全新奔驰S级看车载显示带来的豪华感与科技感
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