8月3日,吉利银河系列首款纯电 SUV——“全球智享纯电 SUV”吉利银河 E5,在贵阳正式上市并将同步启动首批车辆交付。吉利银河 E5 作为吉利首款搭载星纪魅族 Flyme Auto的量产车型,为用户带来了个性化、定制化和高端化的智能出行体验,助力吉利银河为全球用户打造的高价值“智能精品车”。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


发布会上,吉利汽车集团 CEO 淦家阅发布吉利银河全新价值主张“造每个人的智能精品车,为美好生活而来”与星纪魅族提出的“AI 点亮美好生活”理念不谋而合。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


Flyme Auto 是由星纪魅族与亿咖通科技联合打造的智能座舱软件解决方案,是星纪魅族 Flyme AIOS 和亿咖通车端功能模块与工程化能力在智能座舱中的延续。通过全屏手势、小窗模式、多形态桌面、一镜到底、Smart Bar、连续语音交互、多维智能场景等功能,为用户带来流畅、优雅的智能座舱体验。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


Flyme Auto 拥有强大的多终端互联能力,能够通过手机与汽车的无感互联,实现解锁上车、导航流转和应用跨界等功能。手机与车机的无缝连接与无界扩展,实现了“手车一体”的智能生态。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


在 Flyme Auto 智能座舱的加持下,吉利银河 E5 的交互体验达到全新高度,通过全场景可见即可说、高频场景免唤醒等智能语音功能,让车机操作变得如智能手机般简单自然。此外,系统内置的丰富生态应用,让智能生活随车同行,让每一位用户都能感受到智能科技带来的便捷与乐趣。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


同时,Flyme Auto 遵循多维感官交互自然规律,创新性地设计了座舱大屏的最佳布置方案,将科技与温暖相结合,创造了人、景、车深度连接的新一代无界融合空间。


吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」


星纪魅族将与吉利汽车共同引领智能汽车发展的新潮流,为用户带来用得开心、开得放心、用得省心、坐得舒心的美好智能出行体验。星纪魅族正以 Flyme AIOS 为核心,实现智能手机、AR智能眼镜、智能汽车等终端的全场景互联,与车企实现了合作共赢,为用户提供多终端、全场景和沉浸式的融合体验,构建全球智能出行科技生态,用 AI 点亮美好生活。

原文始发于微信公众号(星纪魅族):吉利银河 E5 全球上市,星纪魅族助力打造高价值「智能精品车」

With the continuous enrichment of smart cockpit scenarios, passengers spend more and more time in the cockpit, putting forward higher and higher requirements for riding experience and comfort experience. When the journey is no longer a short period of time, how to optimize and improve seat comfort? Sex has become an important issue at the moment, and smart car seats have emerged. As a device that directly contacts the driver and passengers, seats play an important role in user experience and are also one of the factors that distinguish the level of automobile manufacturers. Today's high-end seats incorporate a wide range of applications for seat adjustment or seat movement, seat comfort (dynamic cushions, lumbar support, massage, heating, cooling and/or ventilation, seating assistance and personalized adjustment memory function), seat safety function, seat occupant perception (multiple built-in sensors can provide feedback information to the system). Due to the additional functions, modern seat modules have become as complex as body control modules and face similar challenges in terms of power supply, communication, sensing, activation and control, and quiescent current. In order to minimize the space requirements, power consumption and quiescent current of the management seat control module, functional integration becomes one of the important design factors. Therefore, smart car seats contain numerous motor drives and control units, and fabric selection and ergonomic design also need to be considered. The technical threshold is comparable to that of robots. In order to strengthen industry chain exchanges, jointly promote industry development, and learn about the latest product trends, Abant has established an automotive smart seat industry chain exchange group for everyone. Everyone is welcome to join the group for exchanges and discussions.