


The original text was originally published on the WeChat public account (OmniVision Group):【一图速览】韦尔股份2024年半年度报告正式发布!

For more industry information about car cameras, please join the AiBang Car Camera Exchange Group. Upstream and downstream companies in the industry chain such as SAIC, Great Wall, Geely, BYD, Desay SV, Huayang, Visteon, Continental, Bosch, Hangsheng, Shunyu, O-film, Lens Technology, Phoenix Optical, Crystal Optoelectronics, Sunex, Ames, Howay, Han's, 3M, Nichia, and Rohm Chemical have all joined. Scan the QR code below to join the discussion.
  Welcome to join us.AiBang Camera CommunicationRecording, currently with 3700 participants, including major car camera manufacturers and OEM leaders. You can click on the keywords below to view in English.  

