Autonomous driving is the use of artificial intelligence to assist or replace human drivers in operating vehicles, which can compensate for the shortcomings of human drivers. Through extensive research and development, various sensors, computer performance, and technologies required for autonomous driving have made significant progress, and costs are gradually decreasing.
万物互联时代,无智能不汽车, 那究竟什么是智能座舱? 智能座…
小小Lite芯片,助力客户Meta业务 基于千万级别(接近上…
长城汽车近期发布了新一代Coffee OS 2智能座舱系统,…
纵目科技 Zongmu Tech 纵目科技是领先的自动驾驶(…
# 用芯赋能智慧出行# BEST TECH BEST LIF…