The 3rd Automotive Interior Smart Surface Summit Forum
17th December,2021, Pullman Shanghai Qingpu Excellence
Zhuying Road 340#,Qingpu,Shanghai
Technical development background of smart surface
With the rapid development of electronics in the automotive industry, cars are no longer a single means of transportation. With the advent of the new four modernizations of automobiles, automobile intelligence is an inevitable trend, and automobiles will be an important hardware carrier for the Internet of Everything in the future. With the rapid development of new technologies such as software-defined cars and domain controllers in the era of automotive intelligence, traditional interiors will inevitably undergo changes, and the future will belong to an important cockpit domain. The car cockpit in the intelligent era will get rid of a single driving scene, and then become an integrated mobile space with intelligent integrated entertainment and mobile office. As the proportion of automotive electronics in the car cockpit gradually increases, pure mechanical products will turn to the combination of electromechanical products. Even the most traditional automotive interiors cannot escape this change. Automotive interiors are no longer pure interiors. Plastic electronics Innovative products such as integration, automotive smart surfaces, smart atmosphere lights and other automotive cockpits will lead the development and transformation of automotive interiors. Under this technological background, Aibang Zhizhi successfully held two automotive interior smart surface summit forums in Shanghai International Automobile City in July 2018 and July 2019. The forum was received by traditional interior surface treatment suppliers. Human-computer interaction optoelectronic product suppliers, OEMs, material manufacturers, equipment manufacturers and other friends in the intelligent surface industry chain have strong support and unanimous praise. Due to the end of the epidemic in 2020, we look forward to joining hands with friends again in Shanghai in December 2021 to welcome the third automotive interior smart surface industry event.
Development meaning of Smart surface:
- 汽车轻量化:碳达峰碳中和的大背景下,智能表面相比于传统设计更小,更轻;
Lightweight: Smart surfaces are smaller and lighter than traditional designs;
- 设计自由度:智能表面消除了传统的设计约束,越来越高的集成化设计;
Design freedom: Smart surfaces eliminate traditional design constraints;
- 照明:智能表面集成照明使之更加科技感,同时也要求更多的材料可以透光;
Illumination: Intelligent surface integrated lighting makes it more scientific and technical sense;
- 装饰性:智能表面可以更快速的采用优异和多样化的表面处理工艺;
Decorative: Smart surface can use more excellent surface treatment process;
- 功能性:智能表面更直观的界面,触摸敏感,耐指纹,自修复,抗菌等功能;
Functionality: Smart surface with more intuitive interface, touch-sensitive, AF, self-healing …;
- 装配简单:智能表面的集成性使得零件更少,装配简单,经济性符合双碳目标;
Assembly more simple: Smart surfaces fewer parts, easy assembly, and more economical;
Depth analysis of the Smart surface industry chain:
Aibang has very good Internet online resources. We mainly have various forms of organization such as public accounts, video accounts, WeChat groups, and web pages. Currently, we have 30,000+ professional registered members related to automotive smart surfaces and ambient lights, covering 4,000 +Enterprise. For this reason, Aibang hopes to build a platform for people from the complete industry chain of automotive smart interiors to make a technical collision, and to in-depth exchanges on the development trend of automotive interior smart surfaces and technical discussions on this complete industry chain. The industrial chain includes: OEMs, tiers at all levels, interior surface treatment companies, design companies, various raw materials, equipment manufacturers, universities, associations and other friends in the entire industrial chain. It is hoped that this intelligent platform, which focuses on the internal and external functionalization of automobiles, can better serve the Chinese automobile industry.
- 主机厂比如:上汽大众,吉利、长城、广汽、上汽、上汽通用、蔚来汽车、泛亚......
OEM: Eg: SVW, Geely, Greatwall, GAC, SAIC, SGM, NIO, PATAC….
- 一级供应商,比如:延锋、佛吉亚、安通林、敏实、均胜电子、宁波华翔......
Tier 1 suppliers, Eg: Yanfeng, Faurecia, Antonglin, Minth, Joyson Electronics, Ningbo Huaxiang...
- 表面处理相关,比如:透光蒙皮,IML/IMD,TOM,水转印,PVD等相关供应商。。。
Surface supplier Eg: translucent leather, IML/IMD, TOM, Cubic, PVD and others r. . .
- 光学相关,比如:肖特,统明亮,3M,欧司朗,ALBIS,弘凯光电等......
Optical supplier, Eg: Schott, Dominant, 3M, Osram, ALBIS, Brightek, etc...
- 装饰膜材,比如:麦德美乐思,库尔兹、阿克苏、三菱,科思创、Sabic、3M......
Decorative Fim supplier, Eg: MacDermid, Kurz, Akzonobel, Mitsubishi, Covestro, Sabic, 3M...
- 原材料,比如:科思创,杜邦,巴斯夫,普利万,SABIC,ALBIS......
Raw materials Eg: Covestro, DuPont, BASF, Polyone, SABIC, ALBIS...
- 其他,比如:设计公司、照明相关厂商、加工相关厂商、设备厂商......
Others Eg: design companies, lighting related, component manufacturers, equipment manufacturers...
The topic of smart surface:
No. | 议题 | 拟邀请嘉宾 |
1 | 汽车内饰智能表面的发展现状和趋势介绍 | 中央美院 王老师 |
2 | 碳达峰,碳中和背景下的智能内饰技术趋势 | 拟邀请双碳行业专家 |
3 | 新四化时代汽车智能内饰材料,颜色,表面技术的创新思路 | BYD HMI 专家 Jeongyoun Choi |
4 | 汽车智能时代的内饰结合智能光电的创新需求 | 吉利汽车研究总院 智能座舱高级技术专家 蒋爱强 |
5 | 触控,赋能车载智慧表面——库尔兹PolyIC 人机交互界面创新解决方案 | 库尔兹PolyIC技术专家 鲍震宇 |
6 | 薄膜新技术在汽车智能内饰表面的应用 | 麦德美 |
7 | 虚拟触摸方案在智能座舱的技术方案解析 | 东超科技 COO 巴宇澄 |
8 | 智能表面预处理等离子,火焰等预处理工艺介绍 | 晟鼎 |
9 | 真铝&碳纤维的高级表面技术在智能表面的应用 | 拟邀请华远 |
10 | ColorForm 模内上漆,独一无二的一步式工艺 | 克劳斯玛菲 技术专家 项庆朋 |
11 | IME模内电子在汽车智能表面的可行性探讨 | 模内电子供应商:银宝山新 |
12 | 基于MEMS的力度传感器介绍以及在汽车智能表面的应用 | Qorvo 资深客户经理 雷益民 |
13 | 透光材料汽车内饰智能表面中的应用 | 拟邀请材料供应商:科思创,沙比克,爱彼思 |
14 | IML&IMD常显及隐藏信标的整体工艺方案介绍 | 拟邀请IML方案供应商:麦格威等 |
15 | 透光超纤、透光皮革在汽车智能表面的应用案例 | 拟邀请皮革&超级纤维材料供应商 |
16 | 可拉伸银浆在智能内饰模内线路与模内电子的应用 | 拟邀请银浆供应商: 杜邦,钛阳油墨; |
17 | 圆桌会议:嘉宾和议题策划中
内饰智能材料的发展趋势和瓶颈; 主机厂智能表面的组织架构创新点; 传统内饰在智能时代的技术挑战; 光电结合内饰的产业链和生态链的变革; |
主机厂OEM,一级供应商,内饰供应商,氛围灯供应商,材料或者设备专业供应商等完整的产业链专家 |
Summit charges
参会人数 | 1~2个人 | 3个人及以上 |
11月15日前付款 | 2700元/人 | 2600元/人 |
12月15日前付款 | 2800元/人 | 2700元/人 |
现场付款 | 3000元/人 | 2800元/人 |
Contact information
添加微信咨询报名 |
扫码在线报名 |
Account information
方式一:扫码支付 |
方式二:公对公账户 名称:深圳市艾邦智造资讯有限公司 开户行:中国建设银行股份有限公司深圳八卦岭支行 账号:4425 0100 0021 0000 0867 |
Sponsor project
项目 Project |
项目内容 Project content |
主题演讲+现场展台 Keynote speech& On-scene booth |
30 分钟主题演讲 Keynote speech of 30 minutes |
3个参会名额 3 quotas of participant |
商标展示:背景板logo、会刊封面logo Logo display:Background plate logo,Front cover logo |
现场展示台,含3*2.4背景板,主办方提供搭建,客户自行提供设计 On-scene booth:Background(3m*2.4*).Building by organizer,and the design from sponsor. |
会刊广告 Proceedings advertisement |
易拉宝/礼品赞助(2选1) Roll Screen/gift sponsorship (choose 1 from 2) |
主题演讲 Keynote speech |
30 分钟主题演讲 Keynote speech of 30 minutes |
现场展台 On-scene booth |
现场展示台,展示样品、资料以及洽谈 On-scene booth, display samples and materials, discussion |
3*2.4背景板,主办方提供搭建,客户自行提供设计 Background(3m*2.4*).Building by organizer,and the design from sponsor. |
3个参会名额 3 quotas of participant |
会刊广告 Proceedings advertisement |
研讨会会刊,彩色全页广告(尺寸210*285mm) Insert the company's color page ads in conference Proceedings (1 page, size: 210*285 mm) |
侧屏广告 Conference display sponsorship |
主讲屏幕LED两边侧屏,单边侧屏广告,全天会议期间展示(客户自行设计,图片尺寸以实际面积为准) The advertising screen on the one side of the LED display.Show it whole day of the senimar.(Sponsor provides design draft) |
参会证挂绳赞助 Sponsorship of chest hang rope |
挂绳上印刷公司名称及LOGO Print company Logo on hang rope |
参会证赞助 certificate of participant sponsorship |
参会证上印刷公司名称及LOGO Print company Logo on certificate of participant |
资料袋赞助 Sponsorship of the data bag |
资料袋上印刷公司名称及LOGO Print company Logo on the data bag |
桌牌赞助 Sponsorship of table card |
桌牌上印刷公司名称及LOGO Print company Logo on table card |
资料入袋 Enterprise brochures bagging |
企业宣传册(不超过6页)放入资料袋 Put the enterprise brochures(no more than 6 pages) into the data bag |
会议通讯录banner横幅广告 Banner of address book on-line |
植入在本会议观众通讯录置顶的横幅广告,有效期6个月 Put the banner into the top of the address book on-line.The banner runs for six months. |
Logo展示 Logo display |
背景板logo,会刊封面logo Background plate logo,Front cover logo |
易拉宝 Roll Screen |
现场放置1个易拉宝作为展示 Place 1 Roll Screen on the scene as a showing tool |
礼品赞助 Gift sponsorship |
礼品可印上公司logo,赠送参会听众作为企业标识推广 Print company Logo on gift, and give it to the audiences as corporate identity for promotion |
微信推送 WeChat articles for promotion |
微信公众号,汽车行业专业粉丝5万+,企业介绍及相关软文1篇 Enterprise introduction and 1 related soft advertisement |