

  • 巴斯夫破壁色彩二元边界,释放无尽设计语言
  • 突破线性思维,开启多元叠加——该系列呈现全新的色彩多样性
  • 回应越来越多的可持续性及实用性需求

巴斯夫涂料部门的设计师们为《2021-2022年汽车色彩趋势报告》系列深入探索全新色彩空间。今年的色彩系列借用量子力学现象 SUPERPOSITION -- 叠加为名,意指突破二元系统限制的状态。









欧洲、中东和非洲市场汽车色彩设计负责人 Mark Gutjahr 表示:"这些令人大开眼界、启迪思考的色彩是复杂色调叠加之后的结果,挑战我们对于色彩的认知。"




美洲汽车设计部负责人 Paul Czornij 表示:"我们看到自然与合成世界之间的平衡点,从而创造出平静、坚定而引人深思的色彩,给观众带来多重、非二元层次的独特体验。"



Endless variation – the theme of BASF's 2021-2022 Automotive Color Trends collection

  • BASF unleashes an unlimited vocabulary of design
  • Simultaneity instead of linearity – collection shows a new diversity of colors
  • Consideration of the growing need for sustainability and functionality

Designers for BASF's Coatings division have delved into new color spaces for the 2021-2022 Automotive Color Trends collection. Borrowing a phenomenon from quantum mechanics, this year's collection is called SUPERPOSITION, which is a state where the limitation of binary systems is overcome.

In other words, things aren't just black or white, heads or tails, one or zero. The world has an uncountable number of variations, and this collection immerses itself in those variations. The colors benefit from an unlimited vocabulary of design, which can be playful and serious, comfortable and disturbing, or clear and chaotic all at the same time.

EMEA – Eye-opening and thought-provoking colors

Colors designed for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) use familiar color positions, but change them with the help of new effects, subtle color gradients, or a specific sparkle behavior. Shades of gray change their colorfulness according to the angle of view. Shades of blue are light, reflective and structure the surface.

"These eye-opening and thought-provoking colors are a superposition of complex tones that challenge our perception," said Mark Gutjahr, head of Automotive Color Design, EMEA.

Asia Pacific – Recharge and think ahead

Asia Pacific saw societal change as its biggest trend for 2021. Many used the time they had to recharge, think ahead, and build energy for the future.

Out of a uniformity in thoughts, products and materials of the past came flexibility and freedom. Everybody and everything should be accepted – not only people, but also products and materials. Everything can be flexible.

"Asia Pacific's key colors are light, clean shades evoking the exciting look of spring and the forward-looking hope it brings," said Chiharu Matsuhara, head of Automotive Design for AP. "They show a higher level of understanding of our diverse world."

North America – The concept of balance

North America's future color designs looked to the concept of balance that strikes a chord with human steadfastness. The color spaces are anchored in optimism and resilience, and show the potential for humanity to move forward despite the challenges.

"We found the equilibrium between the natural and the synthetic world to create calming, unwavering, and thought-provoking colors. They draw the viewer into unique sensations that operate on multiple non-binary levels," said Paul Czornij, head of Automotive Design for the Americas.

Color Expertise of the Coatings division

Every year, the designers of BASF's Coatings division study future trends which they use as foundation for the development of surface, texture and color positions. They draw inspiration from industry, fashion, consumer products, nature, and more. This research is shared with BASF's customers, the automotive designers, to drive future mass production plans.



巴斯夫涂料业务部作为在全球范围开发、生产和销售创新、可持续涂料的专家,持续为行业提供包括汽车原厂漆涂料、汽车修补漆、装饰漆以及用于各行各业的金属、塑料与玻璃基板表面处理产品在内的先进解决方案。我们启动了"创新方案,超乎想象"("Innovation Beyond Paint")项目,进一步开拓新市场与新业务。巴斯夫涂料业务部致力于打造先进解决方案,推动性能提升,促进新设计和新应用的发展,以满足世界各地合作伙伴的需求。我们还通过遍布欧洲、北美、南美和亚太地区的生产基地网络分享全球跨行业团队的知识、能力和资源,使客户从中获益。2020 年,涂料业务部全球销售额达到约 31亿欧元。




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