Automotive Smart Interior Ambient Light Summit Forum
2018年11月15~16 日
序号 | 议题 Topics | 演讲嘉宾Speakers |
1 | 从“人”出发对汽车智能内饰照明设计的思考 | 华南理工 |
Reflections on ambient light Design Based on “Human” | SCUT | |
2 | 上汽大众汽车内饰氛围灯案例分享 | 上汽大众 |
SVW ambient lighting project sharing | SVW | |
3 | 汽车内饰氛围灯和照明系统现状及发展技术 | Style-vesion ASIA |
The Current Situation and Development of ambient light | ||
4 | 汽车内饰未来的灯光和照明发展趋势 | 吉利 |
Automotive interior ambient light and illumination design trend | Geely | |
5 | 通用对内饰照明及氛围灯发展趋势见解 | 泛亚 |
GM’s insight into the trend of interior lighting and ambient lights | Patac | |
6 | 造车新思维对智能内饰氛围灯的需求 | 蔚来 |
NIO’s new thinking on the needs of smart interior lighting | NIO | |
7 | 汽车内饰氛围灯解决方案 | 佛吉亚 |
Interior with ambient light solution and application | Faurecia | |
8 | 肖特汽车内饰氛围灯解决方案介绍 | 肖特 |
SCHOTT Auto Ambient Light Product Introduction | SCHOTT | |
9 | 元晠科技汽车内外饰照明,以人为本的光色智能应用及案例分享 | 元晠科技 |
Case sharing of the illumination on the car | OYSENI | |
10 | 发光柔性光纤在氛围灯的应用 | 氛围灯制造商 |
Application of luminous flexible fiber in ambient light | Ambient light supplier | |
11 | 线性光线的发展,种类,优越性,材料性能,应用案例可浅谈 | 待定 |
Linear light development, types, superiority, material properties, application | ||
12 | 光学胶在汽车氛围灯的应用 | 光学贴合供应商 |
Application of optical glue in car ambient lights | Optical bonding supplier | |
13 | 锦丰科技汽车内饰氛围灯技术及案例介绍 | 锦丰科技 |
Interior Ambient Light Technology and Case Introduction | Bluestar technology | |
14 | 汽车未来的外观件和内饰件的光学镀膜工艺 | 国润光电 |
Optical coating for A surface parts and interior parts of automobiles | Guorun Optoelectronics | |
15 | 复光汽车内饰光品质整体解决方案 | 复光竟成 |
Fuguang Automotive Interior Light Quality Overall Solution | Fu guang Jing cheng | |
16 | Dominant SMART RGB LED 解决方案 | 多米尼克/欧司朗 |
Smart RGB LED application on the interior | Dominant or Osram | |
17 | 品富库电子汽车内外饰照明解决方案 | 品富库电子(拟邀请) |
PQF electronic car interior and exterior lighting solutions | PQF electronic | |
18 | 薄膜装饰在汽车智能内饰照明系统应用 | 德国kurz |
Foil technology with illumination design | ||
19 | 中创智远汽车氛围灯技术介绍和案例展示 | 中创智远 |
Zhongchuang Zhiyuan Auto Ambient Light Technology Introduction | Zhongchuang Zhiyuan | |
20 | 科思创散光材料在汽车内饰氛围灯的应用 | 科思创 |
Covestro diffusion material on the interior | Covestro | |
21 | 汽车氛围灯设计和案例分享 | 宜兰汽配 |
Yilan Auto Parts Car Ambient Light Design and Case Sharing | Yilan Auto Parts Car |
江先生:18666186648, jyg@polytpe.com
参会人数 | 1~2个人 | 3个人及以上 |
8月31日前付款 | 3000元/人 | 2800元/人 |
9月30日前付款 | 3200元/人 | 3000元/人 |
11月10日前付款 | 3300元/人 | 3200元/人 |
11月10日后付款 | 3500元/人 | 3300元/人 |