Velodyne 激光雷达在 2021 广州车展上展示汽车激光雷达解决方案

2021 年 10 月 28 日 | 通过 VELODYNE 激光雷达

加利福尼亚州圣何塞(2021 年 10 月 28 日)—— Velodyne Lidar, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:VLDR、VLDRW)将于11 月 19 日至 21 日在广交会展馆举行的2021 年广州车展(B 馆,C11 展位)展示其创新的激光雷达解决方案,广州,中国。2021广州车展的主题是"新技术,新生活",实现人们对汽车生活的向往。自动驾驶与智能驾驶展将重点展示全球汽车行业的先进技术和创新产品。

Velodyne 激光雷达致力于通过创新的激光雷达解决方案促进安全移动。Velodyne 在高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS)、自动驾驶汽车、机器人、智慧城市基础设施、交付、工业等领域提供领先的产品、技术和解决方案。特别是在智能出行方面,Velodyne 为电动汽车和车辆自动化赋能,以促进安全和自主的移动。

在 2021 年广州车展的展位(B 馆 C11 展位),Velodyne 激光雷达将展示经典的 Puck 系列和 Alpha Prime(中)激光雷达传感器以及先进的固态激光雷达传感器 Velarray H800(右)和 Velarray M1600(左) .

Velodyne 重点介绍采用高性能传感器技术的三款产品

在 Velodyne 展位(B 馆,C11 展位),参展商、客户和行业合作伙伴将有机会听取 Velodyne 技术专家关于用于自动驾驶的激光雷达产品和解决方案的介绍。Velodyne 将展示经典的 Puck 系列和 Alpha Prime 以及先进的固态激光雷达传感器 Velarray H800 和 Velarray M1600。

借助 Alpha Prime,Velodyne 为自动驾驶提供了最佳的远程传感器。Alpha Prime 的范围、图像清晰度和视野的世界级组合能够可靠而精确地检测道路物体。这种最先进的传感器可在各种​​光照条件下生成高质量的点云,具有先进的传感器间干扰缓解、电源效率和热性能。

Velodyne 的固态 Velarray H800 是一款专为汽车级性能而设计的激光雷达传感器。该传感器使用 Velodyne 突破性的专有 MLA 构建。Velarray H800 结合了远距离感知和广阔视野,专为 ADAS 和自主移动应用中的安全导航和防撞而设计,以实现高级驾驶辅助。

Velarray M1600 采用 Velodyne 的 MLA 构建,可为安全导航提供出色的近场感知,使无接触移动和最后一英里交付机器人能够在无需人工干预的情况下自主安全地运行。这种耐用而紧凑的传感器可以部署在各种环境和天气条件下,几乎可以全年在所有天气下使用。


At its Auto Guangzhou 2021 booth (Hall B, Booth C11), Velodyne Lidar will showcase the classic Puck series and Alpha Prime (center) lidar sensors as well as advanced solid state lidar sensors, Velarray H800 (right) and Velarray M1600 (left).

Velodyne Highlights Three Products with High Performance Sensor Technologies

At the Velodyne booth (Hall B, Booth C11), exhibitors, customers and industry partners will have the opportunity to hear from Velodyne's technical experts about lidar products and solutions used in autonomous mobility. Velodyne will showcase the classic Puck series and Alpha Prime as well as advanced solid state lidar sensors, Velarray H800 and Velarray M1600.

  • With the Alpha Prime, Velodyne delivers the optimal long-range sensor for autonomous mobility. The Alpha Prime's world-class combination of range, image clarity and field of view detects roadway objects with reliability and precision. This state-of-the-art sensor generates a high-quality point cloud in a wide variety of light conditions, with advanced sensor-to-sensor interference mitigation, power efficiency and thermal performance.
  • Velodyne's solid-state Velarray H800 is a lidar sensor architected for automotive grade performance. The sensor is built using Velodyne's breakthrough proprietary MLA. With combined long-range perception and a broad field of view, the Velarray H800 is designed for safe navigation and collision avoidance in ADAS and autonomous mobility applications to achieve advanced driver assistance.
  • Velarray M1600, built with Velodyne's MLA, provides excellent near-field perception for safe navigation, enabling touch-free movement and last-mile delivery robots to operate autonomously and safely without human intervention. This durable and compact sensor can be deployed in various environments and weather conditions and can be used in almost all weather throughout the year.

Velodyne has long promoted the continuous cost reduction of lidar by combining patented technology, key partnerships and production strategy advantages, and brought cost-effective lidar to the Chinese automobile market. As one of the autonomous solution leaders in China, Velodyne set up its APAC headquarters in Beijing, China and has a 10-year history in satisfying customers. Through advanced lidar solutions, Velodyne hopes to bring Chinese companies more cost-effective products to support future mobility.

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