12月13日,芬兰科技企业Canatu宣布:与日本电装(DENSO Corporation)达成许可协议。这项非独家许可协议包含了Canatu CNB™薄膜的制造,例如用于自动驾驶汽车的加热器。本次芬兰与日本间的联合开发制造将服务于Canatu与电装公司的客户。

Canatu has today announced a licensing agreement with DENSO Corporation. This non-exclusive licensing agreement consists of Canatu CNB™ film manufacturing for heaters used in, for example, autonomous car. The joint development and manufacturing both in Finland and Japan serve the customers of Canatu and DENSO Corporation.


The meaning of sensor heaters will increase when the evolution of automotive industry moves towards autonomous driving. The sensors controlling the driving must be reliable in any weather.



“这项长期许可协议对Canatu来说是非常重要的一步。我们对与电装的深入合作感到非常高兴。说明Canatu在芬兰开发的碳纳米棒技术及其知识产权有着巨大的使用价值。这也使得Canatu的解决方案成为自动驾驶发热传感器行业标准的重要里程碑。此外,它还允许我们进一步投资碳纳米棒技术,“Canatu首席执行官Juha Kokkonen教授说。

“This long-term licensing agreement is very important step for Canatu. We are very delighted about this deep collaboration with DENSO. It shows the tremendous value of the CNB technology and the intellectual property that has been developed by Canatu in Finland. This is one important milestone in making Canatu’s solutions to industry standard for the sensor heaters of autonomous driving. Additionally, it allows us to invest further for CNB technology”, says Canatu CEO, Juha Kokkonen.



“我们相信这项技术在未来的汽车中非常重要,它可以帮助我们实现对未来移动的愿景。我们已经对材料进行了评估,我们相信这种独特的技术可以用于未来驾驶的几个产品领域“,电装公司执行董事Hirotsugu Takeuchi说。

“We believe this technology is very important in the cars of the future and it supports our vision of the future’s mobility. We have done calculations with the material and we trust the unique technology can be used in several product areas of future driving”, says Hirotsugu Takeuchi, Executive Director, DENSO Corporation.


Canatu 触摸传感器

电装公司是热敏产品等先进技术的领先汽车供应商。 Canatu则是用于加热器和触摸解决方案的3D透明导电薄膜设计者与制造商。对于本次许可协议的具体价值,双方约定均不可披露。

DENSO Corporation is a leading automotive supplier for advanced technology, such as thermal products. Canatu is a designer and manufacturer of 3D shaped, transparent conductive films for heater and touch solutions. The parties do not disclose the value of the licensing agreement.

本文转载自 Canatu 官网,艾邦团队翻译并配图






始发于微信公众号: 智能汽车俱乐部


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