在上周刚结束的北美第5届Automotive LiDAR 2022 Annual Conference and Exhibition中,一径科技产品副总裁李云翔(Frank Li)代表中国激光雷达公司精彩发言,引起很大的行业关注,得到AP(美联社)、FOX(福克斯)、Yahoo(雅虎)、Market Watch等数十余家海外主流媒体报道!

The Automotive LiDAR 2022 Annual Conference and Exhibition是全球唯一专注于汽车激光雷达技术和应用的盛会,至今已在美举办五届,为车载雷达领域规格最高的行业交流峰会。一径科技作为中国激光雷达领军者参与了本次活动,产品副总裁李云翔受邀就MEMS based LiDARs for ADAS&AV Application为题发言。
Frank表示,随着智能驾驶市场需求日益增长,单颗激光雷达无法保证安全的冗余和高级别自动驾驶探测的需求,因此L+S(Long range LiDAR plus Short range LiDAR)的雷达融合方案应运而生,核心功能实现全车域的感知识别与补盲。其中,L代表长距激光雷达向前,面向车辆运行长距离内的识别,S代表短距激光雷达,负责车身近距识别补盲,L+S可以覆盖从乘用车到Robotaxi的应用。
激光雷达被称为“自动驾驶之眼”,是通过发射激光来测量物体与传感器之间精确距离的主动测量装置。作为L2以上的必备感知硬件,一径科技的ML-30s+短距雷达具备FOV超广角FOV:140°*70°,覆盖距离超过20m@10%,实现大视场角覆盖,大幅增加车辆的视野范围,提供宽视场角高分辨率3D感知覆盖,将车身周边盲区的危险系数降到最低。同时,采用性能先进的2D MEMS技术,采用纯硅基材料,无金属疲劳特性,从而实现对振动冲击不敏感、寿命长,无工作噪音和集成化程度高等特点。
ML-Xs作为长距雷达的代表,有着卓越的性能,该款雷达采用1550nm波长激光,在人眼安全的前提下,具备更高的信号强度、更低的背景噪音、更好的光束质量,从而实现更远的探测距离。最大有效探测距离可到250m@10%,密集线束180线,同时满足车规级标准。ML-Xs具有独特的全水平视场的垂直ROI,关键区域的垂直分辨率小于0.1°,水平分视场(45°/ 30°/ 45°)设计兼顾了高速前向远距和中/低速大角度应用场景。
Future of autonomous driving led by L + S multi-LiDAR solution
The Automotive LiDAR 2022 Annual Conference and Exhibition is the only worldwide summit , specially focused on automotive LiDAR technologies and applications, which has been already held 5 times in the United States, and it’s the highest-level industry exchange summit of automotive grade LiDAR. Zvision was invited to participate the summit as the leader in Chinese LiDAR market , and vice president Frank Li gave a speech “MEMS based LiDARs for ADAS&AV Application” in the summit.
With the rapid progress of autonomous driving technology, LiDAR, as an core sensor in perception, has moved beyond aerospace, military, robotics and meteorology into automotive industry, attracting more and more attention. This new technology shows its huge potential. It is expected that the global automotive LiDAR market will exceed US$20 billion by 2025.
Frank noted that as the demand of autonomous driving market increase, single LiDAR cannot meet the requirements in safety redundancy and high-level autonomous driving . Thus, multi-LiDAR solution: L+S (Long range LiDAR + Short range LiDAR) is necessary, which can provide blind area detection and full perception around the car body. L stands for long-range LiDAR, facing forward, applies for long range detection., S stands for short-range LiDAR, facing sides, applies for blind area detection around the car. L + S solution can cover the applications from passenger car to robotaxi.
LiDAR, which acted as “the eye of autonomous driving”, is an active sensor that can emit laser beam to measure the precise distance of the target. As a necessary perception sensor above L2, the ML-30s+ short range LiDAR from ZVision has an ultra-wide FOV of 140° x 70°, and more than 20m@10% detection range, which can provide wide vision coverage, high resolution 3D pointclouds, thus can minimize risks in blind area around car body. Meanwhile, ML-30s+ uses advanced silicon-based MEMS mirror, beneficial from small size and pure silicon material, it has no metal fatigue, no noise, low risk in shock and vibration, has long life time, and can be highly integrated.
As a representative long-range LiDAR, ML-Xs is automotive grade and delivers excellent performance with 1550nm wavelength laser. In consideration of human eye safety, ML-Xs has higher signal intensity, lower background noise, and better beam quality, thus can achieve long detection distance, of 250m@10%, with high density of 180 lines,. ML-Xs has a unique vertical ROI design in full horizontal FOV, and the vertical resolution is less than 0.1° in ROI region. Also it has an modular horizontal FOV (45° / 30° / 45°) design, which is compatible in both high speed forward detection and medium/low speed wide FOV applications.
Among world-wide major LiDAR providers, Chinese companies are pioneers both in mass production and technology innovation. Lots of MP projects means products are fully verified in functions and reliability. And leading advantages in specification, performance and variety show technology innovation. In the end, Frank added “Compared with oversea giants, Chinese companies has advantages in both performance and cost. Besides the technology advantages in solid- state vs mechanical, Chinese manufacturers have more cost down potential in R&D, manufacturing, logistics, and labor etc.”
